Nicked from Edge via Facebook

Started by ianjpage, December 11, 2009, 11:01:52 AM

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Can you say Rip off APR!!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Quoting: Rip off central
APR: 2222.46%


link to the pic

i was so shocked i had to pause the tv and take the pic !!!

its on face book so Matin cant see it


Yep, not suprised at that.

I've had an application for a credit card at work once for someone who worked for one of those companies, as i said to my colleagues at the time, i'd be willing to bet the full balance of that credit card (at a normal bank APR) is going to be lent out by the company at an APR like that to some poor desperate person.

Annoying thing was the app was genuine... so I had to let him have the acc.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


I thought the tv ad for logbook loans was bad enough with an APR of like 580%.


wow, the person who rented this place before us has an outstanding loan from that company, every month, it gets soooo much bigger, yet, no-one knows where she is

F Body

Quoting: Fieldy
yet, no-one knows where she is

Found her



Quoting: Gator
should that be legal

personal opinion, no, not a chance. But, it is, so I am going into the loan business


Quoting: Fieldy
the person who rented this place before us has an outstanding loan from that company, every month, it gets soooo much bigger, yet, no-one knows where she is

I'd be making sure that company knows she is no longer there, return all her mail to sender with "not known at address" written across the front otherwise they'll probably start sending the heavies round to break some thumbs
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

may well affect YOUR credit rating too,
being in an address with,bad debitors attatched to it....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
may well affect YOUR credit rating too,
being in an address with,bad debitors attatched to it....

I can tell you that categorically No that does not have any effect, there is no such thing as a "Blacklisted address"  Your Credit Rating is entirely based on personal information.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
I'd be making sure that company knows she is no longer there, return all her mail to sender with "not known at address" written across the front otherwise they'll probably start sending the heavies round to break some thumbs

It is terrible, we have had Abbey around for their money, Baillif notices, everything

We only rent and have pure proof, so I am not worried. But every month, the figures get bigger....