Everybody likes a crash video ?

Started by F Body, December 12, 2009, 02:17:19 PM

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F Body

Plenty of crash compilation video's & programmes about

But non like the TAC 20th Anniversary film ( Everybody Hurts )


If you have a strong stomach click this link :

http://www.autoblog.com/2009/12/11/video-australian-transport-accident-commission-celebrates-20-ye/#continued\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.autoblog.com/2009/12/11/video-australian-transport-accident-commission-celebrates-20-ye/#continued


They should show stuff like that here!

Big Mouse

We all go on about drink driving - and I'm embarrased to admit I've was  caught for d&d back in 95 - but the government are just too concerned about peoples 'rights' to really go after them.

One of the best anti drink driving  adverts in the UK was the one with the young girl lying in the road wondering what happened to her; it turned out she was dead at the end of the advert as they coverd her body. It got pulled because half a dozen people complained

AFAIC if you kill someone through drink driving, then you are as guilty of murder in just the same way as if you had shot them, and should get a very long time in jail.