Aluminium discs

Started by Jamieg285, January 30, 2009, 08:39:23 AM

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In the not too distant future I'll be on the look out for some small aluminium discs.  I did consider trying to cut them myself, but I need them to be properly circular.

I don't have the final specs yet, but I expect them to be about 2 inches in diameter and 2-4mm thick.  I'll probably need them in 2 different sizes, and 6 in one size and 3 in the other.

They don't need to be polished, just a nicely finished circle and I will do the rest.

Is anyone here able to do this, or know where I could get them made?


what are they going to be used for? will they need a hole in the middle like a washer?

that number isquite a small run which would be expensive but i can ask for you... can you not get loads made then sell the others ?


Quoting: EDGE
what are they going to be used for? will they need a hole in the middle like a washer?

Custom features.  I wan't one for the horn button, so no holes at all, just a solid disc.

I then need 2 to cover the holes in the door trim where the window winder used to be. I've not worked out how I will mount these yet, but if any holes are made they will be 2 at the sides for screws.

I plan on doing some engraving on them, so no holes in the middle!  

The amount I need is for these and a couple of spares for each to allow for cockups in the engraving stage (I'll be doing it with my dremel!)

Quoting: EDGE
can you not get loads made then sell the others ?

Not really, they're very specific to my needs.

If they really do end up expensive, I guess I'll have to look at other options, but I thought I'd start with the best looking option first.


cant you just use over size steel shims ?


Quoting: EDGE
cant you just use over size steel shims ?

What are they then?  Where can I get them?


ill have a look for some for you, i have a mate who's dad owns a steel manufacturing plant.  Im sure he could do them for you but it may take a while to queeze it in and its likely to be expensive to do a short run.. He may have something that might work off the shelf though... or they may be doing something so similar that you can use one.. i dont know, id have to ask him...


I'll see if I can get some accurate dimensions.

F Body

Quoting: Jamieg285
Custom features. I wan't one for the horn button, so no holes at all, just a solid disc.

Quoting: Jamieg285
I plan on doing some engraving on them

Beware the hand engravers don't do a very good job ( I have one ).

For that custom look it's CNC


CNC engineer in the house!  

Send me a fag packet drawing and I'll do my best, but shush, don't tell the boss...


Quoting: Andy
CNC engineer in the house!

Ditto . . . CNC engraver, no less.

Alas, our machines are so specialised it'd take me hours to re-set them and program them for anything thicker than 0.8mm.

We can also chemically etch writing into steel as well, but due to our chemistry can only do spring steel, copper and stainless - also, again only really up to around 1mm.


I can do etching on anything up to the size of the side panel off a tower PC, thickness doesn't matter within reason as the machine is deep (I think about 10" max thickness off the top of my head).

On anodised alloy it would be laser etching by removing the anodising layer (like on my laptop) to show the bare alloy:

On bare alloy, stainless or chrome it would be a black mark like this:

Price depends on size, the phone cost £25 to do, the laptop would be £90...

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I can do etching on anything

Quoting: Roadkill
We can also chemically etch writing into steel as well, but due to our chemistry can only do spring steel, copper and stainless

Quoting: Andy
Send me a fag packet drawing

MKB Rocks    


Quoting: Roadkill

Quoting: Andy
CNC engineer in the house!

Ditto . . . CNC engraver, no less.

Ah sweet! I'm a miller and turner, Haas, Fanuc and Heidenhain control programmer.

Could knock you up some discs in my lunch hour.


Quoting: F Body
MKB Rocks    

It is kinda impressive isn't it?

What did we do before interweb?  

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
What did we do before interweb?

I had a life way before the webnet thingy.......

But because I'm I've forgotten


Looks like I have some options, but I think Andy can do exactly what I want.

Guess I need to work out a design then.


Quoting: Andy
Ah sweet! I'm a miller and turner, Haas, Fanuc and Heidenhain control programmer.

I started my CNC life on Haas' . . . very cheap American made machinery - good for three years then only good for rough jobs.

Did some CNC turning - mainly milling, though . . . Used and programmed Fanuc and Haas' own Fanuc-style rip-off program.

The engraving machines I use are much like CNC VMC's . . . albeit there's no coolant, everything is air powered and the spindles run up to 120,000 rpm.

Still had more fun on the mills, though . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
Quoting: Andy
Ah sweet! I'm a miller and turner, Haas, Fanuc and Heidenhain control programmer.

I started my CNC life on Haas' . . . very cheap American made machinery - good for three years then only good for rough jobs.

Did some CNC turning - mainly milling, though . . . Used and programmed Fanuc and Haas' own Fanuc-style rip-off program.

The engraving machines I use are much like CNC VMC's . . . albeit there's no coolant, everything is air powered and the spindles run up to 120,000 rpm.

Still had more fun on the mills, though . . .

My machine is a Haas Mini Mill, had it for about 8 or so years, the old fashioned black and orange crt version. Yeah, cheap American made, but disagree on the life span. Mine has a main job of milling 303 blocks, will still hole a thou all day long. We've also got a Haas Tool Room lathe, its ideal for one off, prototypers or someone whos looking to step up from the trusty Colchester Master series (which was what it replaced) Just started work this week on our Mori Seki SL25, absolute beast! A previous work once ran a 1" 1/2 Iscar tool into the chuck, a loud bang was heard (and felt), and it popped out the chip shoot about 10 secs later.

Those engraving machines are ace though! Love high RPM!

Not trying to hijack the thread, but hows work, very busy?


Quoting: Andy
Not trying to hijack the thread

T'is the MKB way.

Quoting: Andy
but disagree on the life span

Maybe we abused ours . . ?

The Jap stuff was far superior, though.

Quoting: Andy
but hows work, very busy?

Very, yeah.  November was our busiest month ever.  But December and January were both reasonably busy . . . slightly fewer jobs - but MUCH more expensive jobs instead.
We still have days off-and-on where we're doing practically nothing, though - that's just a side-effect of everything having a 24 hour turn-around.


Quoting: Andy
Send me a fag packet drawing and I'll do my best, but shush, don't tell the boss...

PM sent


still looking for something to fill holes.  Design doesn't matter anymore, I just want some discs the right size.


Ahh, this completely got away from me, so sorry! I'll get to it tomorrow lunch.



I could get them punched... any details / drawings?