Lucky Kid or Spoilt Brat ???

Started by F Body, March 05, 2010, 03:14:58 AM

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F Body

Some 16th Birthday present\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">


seemed overwhelmed and very chuffed to me so not spoiled

good on him lucky git


nice nikon too ;)

if he was a typical spoilt brat he would have found something that wasnt to his liking.. like..

OMG i CANT BELIEVE you didnt get the optional cupholders!!!!  MY LIFE IS RUINED!!!!!

that is a NICE present... although im not sure that giving a 16 year old a 400hp rwd muscle car is a good idea... he may be perfectly fine, but some of his mates will no doubt egg him on and it MAY end in



Yeah that did the rounds on a few forums...

Thing is, a week later a 16 year old passenger killed in his 16 year old friends brand new Dodge Viper about 2 days after his parents bought him...

That's a *lot* of tail happy power for a 16 year old who is likely to show off to his mates especially when his parents aren't around...

Hopefully he will beat the odds...

Very pleased for him though!

Big Mouse

Very nice, great bodywork, looks very comfortable and I'd like a go in her - but enough about his mum.

Lucky little sod, I only got a pair of jeans for my 16th


lucky git, but what sort of society thinks thats a suitable car for a 16 year old? seriously, most of em cant even handle a moped


Lucky kid I'd say.

Looked well taken back by it and truely greatful! That is one heck of an effort though, and one heck of a car.

Little sister nearly gave the game away after it was revving on the drive. Also the bit where they were in the Best Buy car park, the woman said happy birthday and he didn't mention it... plot holes!


Fair play to them and the boy looked very gratefull...... Looks like he has been brought up to appriciate things...

Good luck to him..