London Tree One, Lamborghini Gallardo Nil.

Started by F Body, March 08, 2010, 12:08:21 PM

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F Body

Dam they put trees in some stupid places

It's even on You tube\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">


77 BAAD driver ???

hmm.. blue and white crime tape, isnt that indicative of a death?

Big Mouse

Its just to keep the crowds back; if it was a fatal they'd cover the car


Quoting: Big Mouse
if it was a fatal they'd cover the car

Not always true, sad to say but they didn't for my Gran's Corsa.

The tape is more than likely to stop any have-a-go chancers getting a souvenir


Theres nothing in the front though so cant imagine anyone died


Anyone spot that Afro-haired white guy in the second pic ?

That, my boy, is hair !

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
Anyone spot that Afro-haired white guy in the second pic ?

Looks like a 70's Scouser


yeah, the car looks far too lightly damaged to be a fatal on a head on.. i'll guess it might not even be a wright off.


I know that afro boy, He normally wears flamboyant big collar shirts too. where abouts was the accident?