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Started by Rob, March 23, 2010, 06:29:39 AM

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Got this forwarded in an e-mail. I'm sure more of you have received it.  Don't know of anyone it has worked for.

Subject: Avoid points on your licence! VERY USEFUL MAKE SURE YOU READ IT

Only accountants could come up with this one - Pay your fine, but, NO POINTS DEDUCTED, !!

Read on :-

This is how the points get added to your license:

If you get a fixed penalty notice through the post which also carries penalty points the computer system first sends you a demand for the cash.

When you have paid, it then sends a demand to return your license for endorsement.

It cannot handle the license endorsement and the payment at the same time, and it cannot process the points part of the system until the financial section is complete.

If you overpay the fixed penalty, it must issue and send a refund cheque for the overpayment. Therefore, overpay the fixed penalty by sending a cheque for the full amount plus £1.00. The computer will then automatically generate a refund cheque for the over-payment and send it to you.

**** Do not cash this refund cheque - DUMP IT.

The system then remains 'open' and cannot generate the 'send your license for endorsement' demand part of the program. It does, however, record your payment of the fixed penalty, so it does not trigger the 'follow-up unpaid fine' stage. As there is no human intervention, the system will leave you alone, since it has got your money, which is the primary objective!



Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Does not work.

best, reply, ever. So simple!

Fail to see how this works as everyone would do it surely?

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Does not work.

Also paying in 1p's, Bankers Order etc, etc , etc.


Heard this a while ago, all they do is bank it anyway and probably mark your card for trying to be a smart arse.


Even if it did ever work (which I doubt), once this email got into circulation, they would have fixed the computer straight away.


Quoting: Andy
mark your card for trying to be a smart arse.