How much is petrol per gallon ????

Started by F Body, April 01, 2010, 07:40:51 AM

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who cares?

Petrol and diesel are too expensive, with too many stealth taxes and we are accepting to change our motors around it, which isn't right.

I get so ****** off with people complaining all the time. I never complain when filling my car up, because there is **** all I can do about it.

Yesterday, I sat in a 45 minute traffic jam for the dartford toll because we have to pay £1.50 a crossing, everyone was sat in their cars complaining, but, arriving at the toll booths, hand over their £1.50 and drive off

For those of you who don't know, the charge was put in place a number of years back with the intention of scrapping it once the tunnels/bridge was paid off. But, too much profit means no scrappage.....
What would happen if everyone simply sat at the barriers, wound their windows up, locked their doors and refused to move until they lifted them? They would have to eventually.

I didn't even want to use the crossing, my work is the based at the last junction before the charge


To be honest I just put up with it and pay.

If petrol goes up 5p per litre then it costs me an extra £10 per month (for 3 tanks) and that's in the Jeep.  If I had a euro blob it would cost me less than £5 per month extra or to look at it another way, less than 1 packet of cigarettes.

I spend about the same on fuel as a smoker does on just 1 packet of cigarettes a day.  Big deal.

It costs what it costs and I choose to drive the car I do, and make the trips I do.  No-one is forcing me.  Do I agree with the amount if tax on it?  No.  Are blockades, go-slows or boycotts going to solve the problem?  No.

Some people suggest boycotting BP or Shell for a day.  I despair for the intelligence level of the average Joe in those instances.  What you don't buy one day you'll have ti buy the following day, unless you flat out don't use your car.  And hurting BP's bottom line is not going to work because:
A) The problem is not the petrol company, it's the tax.  2/3rds of what you pay is tax.
B) If you try and hurt their bottom line one day they'll charge you more the next to make up for it.  They are there to make a profit and will get the money back off you one way or the other.

The world runs on (relatively) cheap oil. Demand is beginning to outstrip supply which means it's going to go up in price.  The government should stop basing their budget on taxing it as eventually it's going to become unsustainable.
