Dean's rise to fame

Started by Giblets, March 22, 2006, 11:14:43 AM

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As you all know, I'm the last to hear forum news, largely because I don't log in here frequently enough, so I obviously missed the revelation of Dean getting into Classic American last month.

As it's release co-incided with my holiday I missed that issue and only found out about it while reading the letters page in this months copy.

I don't suppose my some miracle anyone (and I'm thinking Dean or Graeme here) managed to buy up every copy in South East England, and therefore has a spare copy I can buy off them?



Quoting: Giblets

Not me mate, dont buy it, but i think dean has a couple of hundred copies


Quoting: 55starchief
i think dean has a couple of hundred copies

I Have 4 copies.

One for each of my future children, a readable one and one for the Vault.


BTW, I've / my cars have been in CA at least 5 times, now.


Can I at least read the article then?

Bring a copy along on Monday if you remember mate.

If it were me, I'd have bought a dozen at least.


Quoting: Giblets
Bring a copy along on Monday if you remember mate.

No problem . . .

Quoting: Giblets
If it were me, I'd have bought a dozen at least.

I'm not the only one who thinks like that, then.


If my car were a tad more mint, and I thought that CA were in the slightest bit interested in eighties yanks, I'd offer mine up for an article.

They focus mainly on 50's, 60's and 70's cars though, which is why it's called Classic American obviously.


They found me, Mate.

Didn't think they'd be interested - goes to show you never know . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
Didn't think they'd be interested - goes to show you never know . . .

I guess they were short on editorials


It's good that they wanted to focus on an owner who used it daily.

Thats why I wanted to see the article so much (and partly because we're mates of course!)


It was a good day all in all . . . even running out of petrol was mildly entertaning.


Does your Caddy do double digits mpg on a cruise?


It's hard to judge without fuel gauge and without regular runs, but I'd guess it was about the same or maybe more economical then the Camaro !!!