garage floor paint ? maybe a question for dean

Started by Gator, April 25, 2010, 04:53:53 PM

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my garage floor is just screed over concrete it has had plenty of spills of various fluids on it that have soaked in but i want to paint it

not to the same quality as deans as long as it covers and stays done ill be happy

how would i do it? are the paints more tolerant of oil residue than normal?


Quoting: Gator
are the paints more tolerant of oil residue than normal?

Yes, very.

The main spillage to avoid is Brake Fluid - that'll eat through anything !

Your best bet is to use generous amounts of white sprit and a stiff broom to scrub the floor first - maybe do that twice if it's really grimey.

Allow to dry, then hoover / sweep up the dust and you're ready to go.

If the floor is particularly porous you may need a sealer/primer first . . .


I'm trying to persuade the folks to do this too as it'll keep the dust down loads in the Garage.

I've not got far as yet they've only been there 10 years
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


The stuff I used was silly cheap !

worked out around £2 per litre, I chose the colour and 20 litres did my floor (2.5m x 10m) six times with some left over !
