le-mans crash

Started by art b, June 13, 2011, 04:07:19 PM

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art b

alan mcnish was very lucky here....

but the camera men were luckier ...
watch for the wheel coming down next to the guy in blue and then chasing the other guy,,,
gonna need some debris fence there, if people are allowed to be there in future...

http://www.youtube.com/v/JW3NDGk6YQE\">http://www.youtube.com/v/JW3NDGk6YQE\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW3NDGk6YQE\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW3NDGk6YQE
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Posted this is Baz's thread... amazing how he just walked away though!

The one of the other Audi car in the middle of the night is a bit more worrying. Had some flesh wound but that is all.


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Woke me up sharpish

I was the other side of the fence...

Very lucky guys....