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wot ur mpg...

Started by art b, August 25, 2011, 03:47:45 PM

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art b

not your car you...

A recent study found that the average Briton walks about 900 miles a year.
Another study found that Britons drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year.
That means that, on average, Britons get about 41 miles to the gallon!

Makes you proud to be British eh!!!  
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Nah, I walk much less than that!!


who the f*** drinks 22 gallons of alcohol a year !!!

that's around 4 pints every week... good Lord, no wonder liver failures are on the up..

Welcome to Britain, where life is so utterly sh1te you'll need a pint every other day just to cope!  

AND that's not to mention that 22 is an average... ie a low of 0 gallons for some people and 44 for others... thats a pint a day! ffs...

I weap for humanity, the sooner I can build a rocket and get the f*ck off this rock the better.....


Quoting: EDGE
4 pints every week

is that it...

that'd be about 1/2 a friday night out...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


It's around 3.4 pints per week.

Are we talking about pints of alcohol or alcoholic beverages ?

If it's the latter I frequently hit that.  Probably always, actually.

I don't think that's excessive.  

3.4 pints a day, maybe - but that's 155 gallons a year !!

I must be a gas guzzler as I probably don't walk 900 miles a year, either.

Fek, I used to hit averages of 260+ gallons a year - but that's a different story.


Quoting: EDGE
I weap for humanity, the sooner I can build a rocket and get the f*ck off this rock the better.....

How many aluminium cans would that take? You need to increase your consumption rate


art b

Quoting: EDGE
who the f*** drinks 22 gallons of alcohol a year !!!

that's around 4 pints every week... good Lord, no wonder liver failures are on the up..

Welcome to Britain, where life is so utterly sh1te you'll need a pint every other day just to cope!

AND that's not to mention that 22 is an average... ie a low of 0 gallons for some people and 44 for others... thats a pint a day! ffs...

I weap for humanity, the sooner I can build a rocket and get the f*ck off this rock the better.....

sounds like some one whos teetotal....

a glass of wine or a pint of beer a day is supposed to be good for the digestive system and can have many other health benefits....

so 4 pints a week hardly  seems a problem...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


I have about 1 can of cider a day.... In fact, I'm just about to open one now!


im not teetotal at all, i just cant understand drinking to excess or habitual drinking... it just maketh no sense....


Mike... On my 2nd now, this is what days off are for


"Just 'cause it kills your liver don't mean it ain't medicine"

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: EDGE

im not teetotal at all, i just cant understand drinking to excess or habitual drinking... it just maketh no sense...

and how much starbucks do you drink?

there's more than one way to kill your body skin a cat.


Not as much as people might think