mkb verses the world

Started by art b, April 12, 2006, 12:47:49 AM

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Lusty Lass

Guys, guys, guys,

if I were you, I would not give this matter any more thought! If there is a problem and there have been complaints about the BBQ, then the adult and professional way to address them is to lay them before the alleged offenders (ie MKB) with details of the complaint and who has made the complaint. (After all, as a criminal lawyer myself, I would expect nothing less in my professional capacity).

No one can be expected to answer or rectify a position when the full details are not disclosed. That would be unreasonable.

My suggestion (to MKB) would be to conduct a review on Health and Safety grounds, making any mods required, consider if any insurance is also needed and then leave it at that.

Take the BBQ to events and if the owners of the venue are unhappy and refuse admittance then there you are.

As far as I understand it, any events manager has to have public liablity insurance for any event they put on in order to cover themselves for any contractors they have on site. I don't think the liabilty would extend to cover the BBQ or anyone else who came onto the site.

This argument, may or may not have errupted partially from a misunderstanding regarding legal liability. Still contract law remains the same - if your contract to stay somewhere (eg Billing) is with the owners then it is the owners that give the terms and conditions and decides what can or can not come onto their site.

As the British Gas ad says - "Chill man"!

The AACI have stated that they want nothing to do with us so let us get on with our own knitting and ignore anything they have to say. Likewise, any member of the AACI, who does not want anything to do with us would be wise to do likewise. No one ever heard good of themselves whilst eavesdropping and there is nothing like referring to this argument (quoting different threads) to stir the blood and keep the argument afresh.

Oh and happy Easter to you all!!  



Thank you to our legal blonde
at last clarification of what should have been done from the start

Lusty Lass

Quoting: 55starchief
Thank you to our legal blonde

More mousey I think!


Very wise words, Indeed.

Lusty - The Official MKB Lawyer.

You're very correct . . . Pity other's don't see it that way . . .

art b

well we've all had our thoughts aired and expressed  our views on this one,
and hopefully everyone of us  have all learned, and gained something from it,
i have,

in life these sort of things should and can make us more tolerant of issues that come our way,
and maybe we can count to ten b4 exploding

as always there can be more than one point of view,
and i hope we can all move on and enjoy the rest of the show season where ever we may be, see ya around at shows this year
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Would be good if it was that simple, Art.

You seem fairly happy that, from your point of view, this is sorted - which is good.

Unfortunately, for us, it's far from sorted.

In fact we are doing our best to get the situation corrected but it seems that it's a "One way street" at the moment.


It is fair to say that we have all calmed down now, and things are being done in a more orderly fashion.

art b

wasnt implying things were fully sorted fella,

just that we have had various inputs on this thread and that can only help,

there will aways be issues, it just depends on the routes taken to sort them !  IMHO
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


As Jamie says, things are being done in a more orderly fashion.

It is difficult to respond to these sort of things when most of the people it involves are barred from the forum on which the thread in question is posted.


Quoting: Roadkill
It is difficult to respond to these sort of things when most of the people it involves are barred from the forum on which the thread in question is posted.

Didn't you know it's been deleted?  

Late last night.


Quoting: Jamieg285
Didn't you know it's been deleted?

Clearly not.

Doesn't surprise me, though.

Easier to dodge questions that way, isn't it ?

Poor show.


Quoting: art b
there can be more than one point of view

Really? I thought there was just the one true point of view.


ahhH.. the one true view (TM)... i know of this thing of which you speak....

arrarently its not our views thougH