My car p1ssed itself all over Roadkills street....

Started by Titsy, April 15, 2006, 01:07:56 AM

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Yep, you read it right.... It appears my run of good luck has ended... I pulled up at Roadkill's this afternoon to fit a head unit or two, and instantly Incursus wanted to check out the lump... So without asking he ferrited his way to the bonnet release, and i'm sort of glad he did now, cuz he noticed a big jet of coolant spouting from a crack about 5" long below rad' filler...

Instantly i'm not a happy chappy any more, and start thinking it would be a good idea to relieve the pressure a little, and Roadkill thinks the same... What happened next just goes to show you should ALWAYS follow that the engine bay lables say... When it says "DO NOT REMOVE WHILE THE ENGINE IS HOT" believe it.... As Roadkill twists the cap off gentley there is a hiss, then..... BANG! That cap flys off, and the coolent system empties itself volcano style all over the engine bay, windscreen, hood liner, and front of the car..... Mess it not the word, plus, coolant stinks!!!

Anyway, long story short, I think we've managed a temperary repair with rad seal, but now i'm on the lookout for a new radiator...

Looks like i'll be making good use of the T-Top too, now that everything stinks of coolant I sort of need the fresh air...


Philo's rad blew today too aparantly, sorry to hear that you've been lumbered with this so soon tho m8
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Perfect excuse to order one of these mate\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> ilter=1&part=SUM%2D380455&N=4294924500+4294839040+ 4294810996+4294908216+4294908198+4294908022+115&au toview=sku


If either of you find one with the fans attached, I'm on the lookout for them


lev-r-vent caps are your friend..

i fit them to every yank i've ever owned..

my cutlass had a fibreglass P40 repair to exactly the area yours is damaged, also, being thee, it may be possible to plastic weld in situ?


Quoting: philoldsmobile
it may be possible to plastic weld in situ?

It suggested this . . but the full extent of the crack was later found . . . . about 9" long !!!

Although it was only leaking out of a pin-hole . . . So far.


Quoting: Roadkill

It suggested this . . but the full extent of the crack was later found . . . . about 9" long !!!

If thats your estimate of 9" sammy lou must be very disapointed


Beat you to it titsy


Quoting: Roadkill
about 9" long !!!

It's no more than 5" mate.... Seems you've been over estimating your wares.....


Cheeky fekker, you was the one who told me "The crack's this big . . . "

Seems you need to recheck it, mate.