MKB Moving Forward - Topics for discussion

Started by MKB-Admin, May 03, 2006, 04:27:29 PM

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There has been some discussion at recent meets/get togethers about the direction that MKB needs to take.  It has also been suggested that meetings are arranged specifically to deal with those ideas.

A number of topics have been added to the MKB Social & Admin sub forum (if you can't see it, please contact for preliminary discussions.

The first meeting has been arranged for Weds 10th May, @ 7:30pm at the Milton Keynes Civic offices (address available on request)
This meeting is open to anyone that wishes to attend, but we do ask that you let us know that you are attending so that the building security can be made aware of numbers.

The topics for the 1st meeting will include:

* MKB Barn/Mezz
* Members/Club project plans

There will also be 2 further meetings at a later date which will the planned discussion will be:

* Accounts
* Merchandise
* Membership
* Advertisement

followed by

* Website
* Forum
* Shows and Meets
* Club Relations

If any of these can be sorted through discussion on the forum, all the better, so please add your own comments/thoughts on any/all topics.