It's P!SS!NG DOWN !!!

Started by Roadkill, July 04, 2006, 11:24:19 AM

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F Body

Quoting: Giblets
I think the word is 'localized'!

Jeeze it was very bad in Luton yesterday , we were flooded out by two feet of water at work.
The drains by the roadsdes were blowing out with 1m high fountains of water coming out of them , the L&D Hospital was closed becuase the windows had blown out and in the town centre I saw two cars actually floating away


Fek !

Ahh, those tropical summer storms . . . . . .

Global warming  - It ain't happening !!!


yay we have the storm on a downside the power went out and i lost this mornings work


Just a bit cloudy here at the mo' . . . .


Well we've finally had the thunderstorm
Woke us up at about 4:30 this morning, I now know why you guys said it was noisy

Swindon roads are manic this morning. Took me 50 minutes to get to work. Normally takes me 15 mins


Well the storms back today, thunder rumbling around since 7am and some heavy rain. Still humid as hell though so i guess its gonna hang around a bit longer


I would just like to say that I am still Living up to my 1st trip to Billing and slept right through all of last nights Thunderstorms, even with open windows right next to me!

Stick to what you're good at I say!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
Stick to what you're good at I say!


A few loud rumbles this morning and a few drops of rain . . . but that was it.

F Body

Minor flooding in Luton @ 05:00am this morning , I was quite damp by the time I arrived at the gym

Still drizzling now but starting to look a little brighter.


Drizzle all day here but humid, now sunny & breezy


Light south by south westerly breeze, accompanied with occasional light precipitation. Altostratus clouds interspersed with Cumulus.

1014 mb of pressure. 21C. Dew point and adiabatic lapse rate samples indicates further precipitation is likely this afternoon.

....and to think I still failed A-Level Geography!


Quoting: Giblets
....and to think I still failed A-Level Geography!

You did all that weather-crap in Geography too, Huh ?


I can find my way around a flood hydrograph quicker than you can say 'lag time'.