Motorcycle crash

Started by 55starchief, August 22, 2006, 06:10:11 AM

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A picture is worth a thousand words.

The Honda rider was traveling at such a "very high speed", his reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. Swedish Police estimate a speed of ~250 KM/h (155mph) before the bike hit the slow moving car side-on at an intersection. At that speed, they predicted that the rider's reaction time (once the vehicle came into view) wasn't sufficient enough for him to even apply the brakes. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 10 feet from where the collision took place.

All three involved (two in car and rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Stockholm Motorcycle Fair by the Swedish Police and Road Safety Department. The sign above the display also noted that the rider had only recently obtained his license.

At 250 KM (155 mph) the operator is traveling at 227 feet per second. With normal reaction time to SEE-DECIDE-REACT of 1.6 seconds the above operator would have traveled over 363 feet (21 yards more than the length of a football field) while making a decision on what actions to take. In this incident the Swedish police indicate that no actions were taken.



incidently, the bike is a honda RC45 (RVF750R) so would have been just about flat out at that speed.. secondly, how the hell did a newly qualified rider get on what s essentialy a world superbike?



Although you get some good, curtious Motor bike riders the majority I meet on the road, it seems, are complete ar$eholes.

When travelling at the speed limit I, like most people, actually move over to let bikes by as if they have a god-given right to go faster . . . and every time I ask myself why I did it.

Would I move over to let some tw@t in a Beamer past ? No.  So why do Motorbike rider feel they have the right to act like that ?


Makes you wonder how they got all of the "human bits" out of that mess.



moving over depends on the situation...

if traveling at the legal limit, then i dont xpect cars to move over, and my road position indicates this, (more in the center of the lane)

however, if traffic is moving slower, say for example when doing 45 behind an artic in a 60 zone, i move towards the right hand side of the lane, and in general 75% of cars move over to let me through.. at the end of the day, its simply taking advantage of something a bike can legaly do in the situation. if a car moves over i ALWAYS thank them as i pass.. there is no good reason to unduly prevent someone from taking advantage of the situation..


Quoting: philoldsmobile
if traveling at the legal limit, then i dont xpect cars to move over, and my road position indicates this, (more in the center of the lane)

That's fine with me.

Quoting: philoldsmobile
if a car moves over i ALWAYS thank them as i pass..

That's good 'cos alot don't.

Quoting: philoldsmobile
there is no good reason to unduly prevent someone from taking advantage of the situation..

As you say, as long as they're not unreasonably exceeding the limit.
I don't mind bikes or cars flying passed me at 80-90 odd mph on a motorway, but at that speed on single carrigeways ?

And I'm not implying that it's just Bike riders, either.


....that really does bring it home to ride sensibly!

F Body

Ouch - Amazed that they didn't cut the car apart to remove the err parts ?


Very strong images, but it just doesn't look right to me.

Where's the blood? Body parts? They can't have got them out and cleaned up without removing bits of bike/car.
Although the bike is in the car, surely the rider would be outside, or did he 'duck' under the roof as the bike went in?
Where are the doors?

I think it's a set-up, but still a very valid message.


Quoting: Jamieg285
I think it's a set-up



Quoting: Roadkill



I think I'm going to be sick.


Quoting: Roadkill

Where'd that one come from?


Quoting: Jamieg285
Although the bike is in the car, surely the rider would be outside, or did he 'duck' under the roof as the bike went in?

Judging by the roof he was bent backwards as his torso tore through the roof.

Quoting: Jamieg285
Where are the doors?

One caved in under the bike, the other was either removed or came away as a seat is seen protroding far out of the door shut.


Quoting: Jamieg285
Where'd that one come from?

am guessing a sweedish news report



Quoting: Jamieg285
Still skeptical here.

why not ask lusty lass she must have seen it in the local paper


the bike in question is definatley capable of that kind of speed..... but i still dont know how a newly qualified rider would be able to get hold of one.

those RVF's were very limited prodiction, and insurance rated above almost all 1000cc bikes.. if you haven't had a license a good few years over here, you simply wont get insured, regardless of cost, i'd imagine the safety concious swedes would be even tougher..


My point is, I'd expect to see much more mess. I've seen pictures of proper RTAs.

Being as this is essentially a gov/police message, it wouldn't suprise me if it was nothing more than a very well put together hoax, but for the intention of getting the message across.  It's far more effective than a badly made TV ad.

Once it's out in the internet, it will just spread, regarless of whether it's real or not.


Here you go :\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

The car also, if you look closely, appears to have been cut in half (look at the pillars) to remove "bits".  Although I'm sure all they'd need is a hose to remove the human parts.


Also another example . . . (not so popular)