Oh for some free time....

Started by ianjpage, September 08, 2006, 05:09:47 PM

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Well this week been absoultely stooopid - no real free time to meself

Day - worked 8-5.30 non stop
Eve - over me sis's as nephews b/day

Day - onsite nr heathrow
Eve - shopping and catchup

Day - onsite @ Harrow (2 1/2 hrs each way drive!) - arrive 9am leave 5.45pm (so leave home 7am back 8pm)
Eve - Over me mums fixing leaky toilet

Day - work 8-6
Even - My meet (got to bed 12.30am)

Day - onsite @ Harrow (again) 9-5 today! (so 7am left home back 7 pm)

Ahh well least its the weekend and i might just get a break lol!


Far too many hours there mate....

I've just got in from my last of 5 nightshifts @ Wembley....Yes check the post time....

anyway...just thought I'd write some more rubbish before I go to bed and dream of Monday when I can do it all over again.....Oh Bliss...!


yeah tell me about it and next tueday it gets better/worse - i gotta drive (in one day!) from Swindon to Pocklington (nr york) then to nottingham then home agian!!!!!!

Sounds like you oding some killer shifts there as well!!


As long as you don't mind nights then its not too bad. only short ones next week, 2200-0600 for four nights.  Booked Fri Sat Sun off for AAC Autumns @ Coombe Abbey.


ahh right not too bad then .

kewl see ya there then