A job we'd all like . . .

Started by Roadkill, November 02, 2006, 10:33:41 AM

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Well they always say council jobs are some of the best, even dustmen earn bloody good money


I can feel a friendly swipe at Ryan coming on.


Quoting: Roadkill
I can feel a friendly swipe at Ryan coming on.

Nah hes not council but a private sector employee in a council job, the council work would get paid more and work less


well technically i transferred over under TUPE rules so I still have all my council 'Ts & Cs'

Although I did get a proper bollocking yesterday about my internet usage...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
Although I did get a proper bollocking yesterday about my internet usage...

I thought you had been quiet today. Did you hear back about that other job?


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR

they werent interested

Oh well keep trying mate

F Body

Yes saw that in a paper yesterday, I think he got £5K overtime allowance and £4k call out allowance whilst on the sick

Mind you I wouldn't might this either :

Earlier this month, Birmingham council came under fire when news leaked that some road workers -- whose job was to paint white lines on the city's streets -- earned 1,000 pounds a week.


hmm if only we coudl all earn that for feck all work