v close Pinks race with 2 FBodys

Started by HardRockCamaro, October 06, 2006, 06:30:12 PM

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OK, I kinda like the prgramme "Pinks" but I've always hated the whole negotiating over car lengths part.  Either race heads up or shurt the **** up imho.
In this episode it's 2 brothers racing (and therefore Pinks ensures in their contract the losers car gets auctioned off on EBay with a fair reserve) and they starrt off heads up, then after simple negotiations they end up 2 races each and the Pontiac starts 5 3/4 car lengths ahead (shame).

But boy is it close and you can't beat seeing 2 FBody's wheelstanding!!!

Final race:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2179078570638872368&q=pinks\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2179078570638872368&q=pinks


Man that guy looked devastated to see his car drive off into the distance...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Pitty you didn't see the actual time/speed for the 4th Gen , it looked pretty dam quick


I don't know about on the day, but I believe it can run a 9.7 @ 140+
That's hauling arse for a *naturally aspirated* car with a 6 speed manual (and a small block to boot!)!