How do I change Forum skins, again ?

Started by Roadkill, October 12, 2006, 11:58:46 AM

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Quoting: Roadkill

He's gone again, now.




Quoting: Jamieg285

Quick and dirty for now (Icons look crap and need a LOT of work)

Smileys look bad as well, personaly im not gonna change


Changed over.

N'ah, not perfect, but it's much more eye-pleasing.

And looks more in-keeping with the main site.


It's scary just how many of the smileys need a make over. Not only are there some that have white backgrounds/badly made, but there's loads that are only effective on a light background.

Conversion will be slow


BTW, if anyone can/wants to help, please do.  1st job is to remove any white backgrounds to make things a bit tidier.  

Just pick an icon that looks duff and post it up (different thread to this one, to keep them all in the same place)


With alot of the smilies it's jus the odd pixel that's been left that shows up . . . .

For example the and and look absolutely fine . . .

But the smiley has "renegade" pixels that show up more on a black background.


In fact, looking through the smiley list they aren't that bad . . . It's the large smilies like and that look funny with their white back grounds . . . . But I don't think that can be changed anyway . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
It's the large smilies like  and  that look funny with their white back grounds . . . . But I don't think that can be changed anyway . .

It can be, it'll just take more work.  The longer/more complicated the animation, the more 'adjustments' will be required.


I'd offer to help, but I don't understand .gifs at all.

If Ryan gave me some pointers (and software) it's maybe something I could do at home . . . or on my "less busy moments" throughout the day . . .


As a side note . . I've just found the "full screen" (F11) mode.

Much better for Ho'ing.