You had pie ........ now you have...

Started by ianjpage, October 09, 2006, 04:54:11 PM

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EUROPIE RADIO!! (okso the spelling aint right but hey!!)



Quoting: philoldsmobile

it sucked, too!

Yeha it did rather....not as much as the POS car the radio was in tho


Aint that the truth.... couldn't even make it across a bridge* on the first try....

* the bridge of doom and steepness...


Quoting: philoldsmobile
Aint that the truth.... couldn't even make it across a bridge* on the first try....

yeah i mean wot is wrong with this bridge...\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>


nothing....... if you aint in a turbodiesel meriva...

well...... it cirtainly put the die in diesel.


Quoting: philoldsmobile

nothing....... if you aint in a turbodiesel meriva...

well...... it cirtainly put the die in diesel.

hehe both soooooo true!!!


Does that bridge go over anything or has it just been left in a field?


it joins an island to a peninsualr in la manga it is the ONLY road onto the island...

the roadkill manor is over this bridge!


Me thinks someone needs to take the Camera away from Ian next time he goes on holiday.


Quoting: Roadkill
Me thinks someone needs to take the Camera away from Ian next time he goes on holiday. makes for interesting viewing when you get home and go "why the heck did i take that photo??" hehe


Good thing you don't use 35mm or your developing costs would be insane.


Quoting: Roadkill
Good thing you don't use 35mm or your developing costs would be insane.

Hell yeah think we ran off nearly 400 pics between me & vicky .... not cheap to get them printied


Quoting: ianjpage
yeah i mean wot is wrong with this bridge...

Aww dude you could get some serious 'Dukes' style air off that baby!!!

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
Aww dude you could get some serious 'Dukes' style air off that baby!!!

Hell yeah get some SERIOUS air off it cos the run up road on one of the sides is uber long