Question for you MKers ?

Started by F Body, December 07, 2006, 11:51:46 AM

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F Body

Going up the M1 last night the kids saw what looks like a big wheel in central MK ?

Any details ?

Where, how long for ? , how much ? , Is it inclosed ?


Quoting: F Body

Next to the theatre

Quoting: F Body
how long for ?

A year so far.

Quoting: F Body
how much ?

£4 I believe.

Quoting: F Body
Is it inclosed ?

Not fully I don't think.

Big Mouse

Oh God, don't say he wants to come and polish that


Quoting: Big Mouse
Oh God, don't say he wants to come and polish that

Well it takes him an hour to do the ones on the GMC so if he started now he might be finished by the time they take it down next year.


Quoting: Big Mouse
Oh God, don't say he wants to come and polish that