Any recommendations ?

Started by Roadkill, January 17, 2006, 12:22:35 PM

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Am I right in thinking that all the Films currently at the Cinema (which I haven't seen) are crap ?

Any good'uns or Good looking "Forth coming attractions" ?


Quoting: Roadkill
Films currently at the Cinema

Nought on atm cept maybe Jarheads but not fussed myself.

New Pirates of the Caryabeean should be out this year.

Red Dwarf movie? WTF happend about that?


yeah Jarhead I want to see, & Pirates WILL be watched when it comes out, haven't they already made both sequals? quick release no doubt if they have...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: incursus
Red Dwarf movie? WTF happend about that?

Nothing new on the dwarf website


Quoting: FUBAR
haven't they already made both sequals? quick release no doubt if they have...

Yes they have but they will release one a year same as LotR trilogy


Quoting: FUBAR
Pirates WILL be watched when it comes out

Hell Yeah, that rocked !!!


doesn't seem to be much out at the moment....