One of the Law-abiding majority ?

Started by F Body, June 25, 2007, 02:11:39 AM

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F Body

So you think you are one of the Law-abiding majority ?

More than six out of 10 people regularly commit crimes against the government, their employers or businesses

A poll of 1,807 people in England and Wales found 61% had committed one of a series of offences.

   * One in 11 had wrongly used identification for their own gain

   * 7% of those questioned had padded out an insurance claim to get more money

   * One in 10 (11%) avoided paying their television licence

   * A total of 8% did not disclose faulty goods in second-hand sales

   * And 6% asked a friend in a bureaucratic job to bend the rules

Of those who admitted to an offence, nearly two-thirds (62%) had broken the law on up to three occasions and 10% admitted to nine or more offences.

I thought they were going to include things like photocopying something at work, borrowing a pen or speeding\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Welcome to Blairs Brown's Britian.


Yeah, I'm a criminal . . . so what ?


I will do what it takes to get myself through life....Screw Brown!

(I don't do serious crimes BTW, I just wanted to sound hard!)


Quoting: Roadkill
Yeah, I'm a criminal . . . so what ?


Quoting: Fieldy
(I don't do serious crimes BTW, I just wanted to sound hard!)

F Body

It's the quiet ones you need to be wary of



Quoting: F Body
One in 10 (11%) avoided paying their television licence

one in 10 is 11%.... really ?


I say paying the T.V licence (ie. paying the BBC) is against my Human rights as I don't watch BBC nor listen to BBC radio.

They're forcing me to pay for something I neither use or want.

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
They're forcing me to pay for something I neither use or want.

Entirely agree but....................

it's the law and you can't pick & choose which law to ignore


Well I pay my TV license.....Dunno Why

As for all the others.......Well....Regularly I guess.