Motor Cycles using Bus lanes.

Started by F Body, August 12, 2007, 03:53:58 AM

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F Body

Just had a response from Gordon Brown regarding the petition to allow motorcycles to continuing using Bus lanes in London.
IMHO motorcycles will never hold a bus up and if the government really wants to reduce congestion and greenhouse gases etc this is the way to go

" The Government recognises that motorcycling has become increasingly popular and offers a number of benefits...................

But lets pass the buck

Bus lanes are the responsibility of the relevant highway authority. In February 2007, The Department for Transport issued new guidance in the form of a Traffic Advisory Leaflet 2/07 on "The Use of Bus Lanes by Motorcycles". This makes clear to local highway authorities that it is open to them to decide whether or not to allow motorcycles to use bus lanes and encourage them to make an objective assessment of the issue.

However lets also stick the knife in

The new guidance revises the previous Department for Transport's advice on bus lanes, Local Transport Note 1/97: Keeping Buses Moving, which recommends that motorcycles should not normally be permitted to use bus lanes"

How the duck is a motorcycle going to hold a ruddy bus up
When the Bus holds the bike up the bike will just filter back into the car lane - Numpties !!!!!!!!!!!!!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


You just got to love our government


yup.. something about piss-ups and breweries springs to mind


I don't bother do those petitions anymore.

It's a pointless exercise . . . .  only there as a tool to keep the masses happy.

Utterly pointless in the end, though.