How do average speed camera's work ?

Started by F Body, October 17, 2007, 12:07:24 PM

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F Body


But the critics have accused the cameras of allowing a less complicated dodge - changing lanes. Each pair of cameras covers one lane. So in theory, if you are clocked in the fast lane, and you then changed to the middle lane just before the exit camera, you would not be caught.

Thats a stupid design if ever i saw one.. why not just link all the cameras



Ah so weaving through the traffic is not only faster it beats the cameras


Quoting: Kenny
But the critics have accused the cameras of allowing a less complicated dodge - changing lanes. Each pair of cameras covers one lane. So in theory, if you are clocked in the fast lane, and you then changed to the middle lane just before the exit camera, you would not be caught.

Really ?

Anyone tried this ?