AV Help needed

Started by Rocky, November 18, 2007, 12:47:47 PM

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Does anyone know anyone who gets good deals on pioneer plasmas?


Look online mate, no money in plasma's your average hifi dealer makes about £10 on it


Ok mate, one other thing can i only play HD dvd hybrid discs on a standard dvd player, I want to get some new films but want to get them on HD as dont want to buy same films when i get a HD DVD player.


I was under the impression that they will all be backward compatible.


Not sure on that one, i havnt come across any hybrid discs. A HD player will play non HD and HD, i think merantz has a blueray,HD,Standard player

Me personaly i dont have a HD player i have a lexicon RT10 with an SDI conversion so i can take the digital data before any encoding/decoding this is then fed to my video processor and sampled to wat ever resolution i want


I was going to get a pioneer blueray player but found out they are doing a duel format next year so will wait till then just didnt want to do my movie collection twice, Hybrid discs are supposed to have SD one side and HD other side but only sounds like Warner are doing them.



The problem with all of the multi format players is they dont do any one  format well, its one of those things you just have to decide what format your going for and buy that machine.

I will make a couple of calls this morning to see what people are saying


Ok as i thought, the hybrid players pretty muck all suck, toshiba is recomended as the HD player to buy as they have an offer with 7 discs or something for about £250. If you want a plasma http://www.play.com\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.play.com has some good deals apparentley


Quoting: 55starchief
Ok as i thought, the hybrid players pretty muck all suck

Ok mate thanks for that, was a bit worried about the hybrid players, Its a pain that some discs are blueray and some HD dvd.

The plasma im after is the pioneer pdp-lx50d was going for that because it has 1080p full definition.
I wanted the sony 55" rear projection but it sold out everywhere in about a month

Maybe i will get a ps3 or something till the players drop in price a bit.