Mikro World very cool

Started by 55starchief, December 11, 2007, 06:44:32 AM

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Mikro World are created by Sam buxton and are very cool

http://www.mikroworld.com\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.mikroworld.com

They are made from very thin stainless steel and laser cut, all you do is fold them out to create a 3D object

This is his latest creation

http://www.mikromart.com/thedeep/the-deep.jpg\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]http://www.mikromart.com/thedeep/the-deep.jpg\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>


Oh well cant seem to edit that post so will add the correction here, They are chemical milled like the stuff deano works with



Quoting: Roadkill
Cool stuff.

Yeah i get them for my mate in the USA each year, wasnt until i went to look at the production process i see it was the same as you work with.

Im sure you could make something like that maybe a V8 motor or something


We use spring steel so bending it would be fun !


Quoting: Roadkill
We use spring steel so bending it would be fun !

those things are only about 150 microns thick


Quoting: 55starchief
150 microns

In our line of work that's a thick base . . . we go to 90um.