For Christmas this year, I mostly got a webslinger (or a Canula depending on how medical you are)

Started by EDGE, December 26, 2007, 06:19:33 AM

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Well... that was all fun..

I ended up in A&E on Christmas morning after not being able to hold down any fluid for 2 days.  I had lost all coordination and my balance was being attacked by the flu virus (apparently it was called Labiryntyiatis or something, it attacks your balance, you know, for fun)

so... I was taken to A&E and given ALL kinds of drugs... I had a load of pain killers, a load of antiemetics and an IV drip of saline to rehydrate me...

got there at 10.30am ish and got out at around 5... I had a full compliment of ECG, chest xrays, IVs and DRUGS........well and truly got my moneys worth..

and here... is the obligitory pic of the webslinger

Happy days......




It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Dude, that sucks, my sister had that problem just over 2 years ago. Are you still on the drugs? She says you need to 'ween' yourself off the anti-sickness/anti-vertigo  drugs because your brain quickly becomes immune to them, but if you suddenly stop taking them, then your brain will need to re-adjust.

Hope you're better now.

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

Dam told you Man Flu was dangerous

I've protecting myself with plenty of quinine and loads of Gin

Get well soon Dude !



bummer mate, not a good way to spend christmas day (well any day actually) - hope ya get better soon!


cheers guys..

im feeling a lot better now, still not really eating anything, ive lost over a stone and 2lbs since Christmas eve!!!  Not a particularly pleasent, but a very effective crash weight loss diet !!!

I've stopped taking the stemitil now, I think the Vertigo had worn off and Im just left with sh!tty old man flu

still.... better than i was


Quoting: EDGE
ive lost over a stone

well im sure an impromptu christmas get together could sort that out mate

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon: