Hire Car Update.

Started by F Body, February 01, 2008, 03:03:04 AM

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F Body

They told me yesterday that they are going to come and repossess the Corsa....................I wouldn't exactly be heart broken

My reply :

31st January 2008.

Customer Reference No. ---------------

I've been given your e-mail address by Verity Cunningham in your Quality
Control Department and I hope that you can assist me with some hire car

I picked up your hire car ( black Vauxhall Corsa Reg No. NG57 XZA ) from your recommended vehicle repairer Frank Ludlows in Luton on Saturday 19th January 2008.
Inside the vehicle was a vehicle Inspection label stating that the hire
car was clean inside and out and free from damage. A quick inspection of the vehicle revealed that it was dirty outside, disgusting inside and had
significant damage to the rear bumper. Ludlows said that it was nothing to do with them and refused to help. The inspection label said there was a £50 valet charge if it was not returned clean & tidy and that I was liable for any damage to the vehicle. Before leaving Ludlow's I rang Angel on 0845-0784416 and reported the vehicle condition to Sam who said that she would log the details.

On Sunday 20th January 2008 I spent most of the day cleaning the car inside and out, I did not at this time attempt to clean the stained seats, but I did have to buy an air freshener to try to get rid of some of the smell.

On Monday 21st January 2008 I rang Helphire to confirm my telephone
conversation on Saturday 19th. The person I spoke to had no record of any log regarding the condition of the car. I explained that I was concerned that I would be charged for the condition of the car when I returned it and asked for an e-mail address so that I could send pictures of the car before I cleaned it. He said that no one at HelpHire had an external e-mail address so I couldn't send the pictures.
I said that I found it hard to believe that no one had an external e-mail
address and asked who the Manager in charge was ? He replied that the branch Manager in Milton Keynes from where the car had come from was Helen Balm. A little while later he rang me back and gave me her e-mail address. I e-mailed Helen the pictures and  description also quoting that " I wouldn't have put a dog inside that car ".

After several days without any reply I phoned Helphire again and was told not to worry because I wouldn't be charged for the vehicle condition, I requested that someone please send me written confirmation ( an e-mail would do ) that I wouldn't be charged for damage to the vehicle. They did offer to change the car but I said because I'd spent so long cleaning it I might as well keep it.The lady kept me on hold whilst she contacted the branch and then told me that Helen hadn't been able to open the e-mail ?I was told that someone would contact me.
Earlier this week another woman phoned and asked if I'd received  the hire car documents ? I replied that yes I had, but had no intention of signing them until someone gave me written confirmation regarding any vehicle condition charges, I also suggested that given the amount of time/hassle I had incurred Helphire should wave the collision waiver damage fee as a gesture of good will.

The next day another person rang me and we both went through exactly the same details, I asked if she had any details regarding the vehicle condition and she said that it was not her department.

Today a gentleman rang me and asked if I had received the hire documents, I replied yet again that I had, but had no intention of signing or returning them.He replied that i MUST return them as soon as possible otherwise I could be liable for addition costs which couldn't be claimed from the 3rd party.Again I explained my concerns about the damage and £50 valet charge, he replied
that you do not have any £50 valet charge. I explained that I was reading the Helphire documents in front of me and he said " We are a national company and don't do anything like that " He continued to explain the terms and conditions and when I tried to interject he curtly said " Please don't interrupt me until I finished what I'm saying " He then promised to ring me back within the hour to update me regarding my complaint. He did not ring me back so I contacted your Quality Control Department.

Words cannot explain my level of frustration at your companies level of
arrogance, ignorance and sheer incompetence, is it a condition of Helphire
employment that you must completely ignore your customer ?
This matter could have been sorted by one simple e-mail, it isn't rocket
science !

Yours Sincerely


sounds like they are a bunch of usless people then....hope u get it all sorted !!


Quoting: F Body
" Please don't interrupt me until I finished what I'm saying "


F Body

I had an e-mail at 09:30am this morning telling me that they are investigating the problems...........

But wait it gets better ?

At 12:32pm I recieved a phoned call from HelpHire asking if everything was OK and could I please return the hire papers ?

My response was " This is a joke right ? "

She had no record of any problems and could find anything on their "system"

May be I should just give up



Quoting: F Body
May be I should just give up

That's what they're hoping for.

This is a carbon-copy of the problems I had with ZENITH WINDOWS () re. my double glazing.

I kept pestering them and eventually got about £1,000 off of the final install.

They still suck ar$e, though.

F Body

Latest installment...........

I do apologise for the call from Customer Services ; I have been informed of the conversation. It would seem she called you in error. As a result, I have personally been to visit the Quality Team who have advised me your claim is now being looked into. I have made clear notes on our system that you are not to be contacted by anyone else but the Quality Team.

Please do accept my apologies for this inconvenience and be assured that the relevant team are now dealing with your claim.


Verity Cunningham

Had another phone call from Customer Services at 12:32pm today asking me if everything was alright ?
I asked if it was a joke ?
I suggested that the lady contact you for more details, does the left hand know what the right hand is doing ??

Regards Martyn.

art b

ha ha ha ...muppets,
as with most big companys they have no idea of the customers history....

"We are a national company and don't do anything like that "

yea as if thats a guarantee their not all w@nk&rs  
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Great! The wife car got hit this week, i've got all this to look forward to


F Body

The repair garage has just run me ( 7:55am on a Saturday !!! ) to tell me that the Panda has been repaired and is ready for collection

So what happened to the " We'll let you know when it's been insurance assessed " and then after that once the parts are in " We'll be able to tell you how long the repairs will take " ???????

We've done about 500 miles in the Corsa now and Management has another trip to Oxford on Monday morning, so I've arranged to pick the Panda up Tuesday lunchtime ( in daylight so that I can inspect the repairs )

F Body

Spotted through the fence of the repair yard :

Mine Panda  It was actually very clean and shiney , dam mobile phone camera is crap !

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c294/fbody007/Corsa%20Hire%20Car/SP_A0176.jpg?t=1201958800\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Quoting: F Body
Looking forward to having a proper car to drive around in

You do know it's a Panda, right ?

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
You do know it's a Panda, right ?

Of the 9 cars we test drove it was the best drive, I've always said that I might not want to crash it, but in this crash the newer Citroen Dispatch van was a write off  and they met corner to corner !

The hire Corsa costs £12k and isn't a patch on the £7.5k Panda


They're badgers, Martyn, not Pandas . . . . Close, though.

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
They're badgers, Martyn, not Pandas . . . . Close, though.

Black & White and Furry...................

Umm Furry........sorry wrong forum


lol glad to hear the car (hopefully) all sorted