Well worth a look . . . . Cheaper petrol !!!

Started by Roadkill, February 09, 2006, 01:21:41 PM

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http://www.pipelinecard.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.pipelinecard.org/

I've already signed up about a month ago . . . It's serious and I haven't got any spammers or anything because of it . . .


9 Views, no posts . . . are you all mad . . . . . or are you happy with fuel prices?


Signed up but I can't see anywhere that says how many member they need before the discount cards get sent out I'm guessing its a lot more than 100,000.


I signed up ages ago.

Still waiting to see if anything worthwhile comes of it.  It does seem to be building momentum, I saw it C4 news earlier this week.


I Think it's 200,000 ish.

They're hoping for something like that around April it said in my update . . . ?


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Ben Scammell - Pipeline Card Founder

Fills me with confidence


Quoting: incursus
Ben Scammell - Pipeline Card Founder
Fills me with confidence

Quoting: Jamieg285
saw it C4 news earlier this week.

hehe yeah, exactly WHY was it on C4 News...?
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


I cant see how this is working. He is offering a 12% discount but i see no incentive for any company to give this especially as it would be coming of their profit margin. As stated most of the cost of fuel is duty i dont see the government offering 12%

Pipeline more like pipe dream, sorry but im a little to scinical for this to make sense

art b

i wonder how do they afford to issue  200,000 members cards
and offer discounts on some one elses profits,
that are supposed to be slim any way,
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
i wonder how do they afford to issue 200,000 members cards

The administration costs would be huge. I reckon hes gonna need 30% of the UK to sign up to this before he gets a deal with  fuel company. Even if he gets a deal im sure the other fuel companies will offer incentives for people to use their fuel


Well, whatever happens, it may help to do something to lower fuel prices in general.


Quoting: Jamieg285
Well, whatever happens, it may help to do something to lower fuel prices in general.



Whatever happens the American Military will find a way to make it go back up again...

Don't be suprised if something happens in Iran before 20th March  My brother (who's up on these things) said why but I can't remember the details, something to do with a Internal US Govt deadline or something...

Scratch that I remember what it was, thats the planned date of the setting up of the Iranian Oil Market, which is being setup to trade Oil to the rest of the world in Euros rather than in Dollars as it is currently.  Which means America Loses its "Petrodollar" monopoly on the World's Crude Oil Trading. If the Iranians switch to Euros everyone else will follow suit, because they are one of the largest Oil Nations on Earth... and they don't like america...

Funnily enough this is almost exactly the same thing as Saddam tried to do a couple of years back... read into that what you will...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
Whatever happens the American Military will find a way to make it go back up again...

Don't be suprised if something happens in Iran before 20th March   My brother (who's up on these things) said why but I can't remember the details, something to do with a Internal US Govt deadline or something...

Huh come here with half a story


Quoting: 55starchief
Huh come here with half a story

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

Cunning Plan

Quoting: FUBAR
Scratch that I remember what it was, thats the planned date of the setting up of the Iranian Oil Market, which is being setup to trade Oil to the rest of the world in Euros rather than in Dollars as it is currently. Which means America Loses its "Petrodollar" monopoly on the World's Crude Oil Trading. If the Iranians switch to Euros everyone else will follow suit, because they are one of the largest Oil Nations on Earth... and they don't like america...

Funnily enough this is almost exactly the same thing as Saddam tried to do a couple of years back... read into that what you will...

Yup this was on 'the truth behind the Iraq war' a documentary on Sky One a few weeks ago.  Alot of it made so much sense.  For example when the Americans got into Bagdad the first thing they were told to do is change the Iraq oil trading from Euros back to dollars which is why you saw people looting hospitals etc.  Is wasnt that the American solider didnt care, he just had other orders.

America liked the PetroDollar as it cost nothing to them as they were the ones making it.  If Japan wanted to buy some oil, they would have to trade services or goods to America, where as if America wanted some, they just print some more money.  More to it than that but you get the jist - it was an interesting documentary!!

Apparently its better for oil producing countries to trade in Euros as they get more from it or something.
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

F Body

I saw the news item on Channel Four last week , they showed a similar card in Holland and it had been up and running sucessfully for a couple of years  


Quoting: F Body
I saw the news item on Channel Four last week , they showed a similar card in Holland and it had been up and running sucessfully for a couple of years

There IS hope, then.