Car recycling.

Started by F Body, April 09, 2008, 07:45:13 AM

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F Body

A refuse lorry was picking up recycling bags on the top of a hill in the tiny village of Ynysybwl ( yes that really is it's name ) in Wales when it mysteriously went out of control.

They were picking up recycling bags on the top of a hill in the tiny village when their truck mysteriously went out of control. The driver was in the runaway lorry as it suddenly accelerated down the hill and towards a school bus. Luckily, he was able to wrestle the heavy, plastic bottle-laden  truck out of the way of certain charges of manslaughter. Unfortunately, after missing the bus, the driver and his vehicle managed to run through an Audi A4 convertible, a Rover, a white van and at least two Ford Kas before ending up nose-first in a garage.

No Sheep were reported injured



F Body

Bit more info from the Daily Mail

Recycling worker Dean Leather, 23, told how he was collecting the green bags when his 20-tonne lorry began rolling away. "I chased behind it and saw it smash into a Rover car, then a white van"

Looks like a handbrake moment\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">



It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


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