used engine oil.....

Started by art b, May 20, 2008, 08:52:32 AM

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art b

well this is my best use for it,

having saved, a few oil changes worth over the year, 6 gallons....

oil painted fences,
done this a few times,
bit of a chore brushing it on but the fences look great 4 years,

b4 and after,

could take a while ive got 12 panels to do ....
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Big Mouse

good idea; protects better than fence preservative; recycles an otherwise scrap product and cats hate the smell of it apparently (which is a bonus in my eyes if it keeps them out of my garden)


My oil painted fences are jet black !


Quoting: Roadkill
My oil painted fences are jet black !

I'm guessing your oil had done a few more miles though...


and mixed with some creosote too (sometimes)... (maybe)...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Quoting: FUBAR
and mixed with some creosote too

Illegal to sell it now


*note : Creosote "substitute"

art b

i did think my oil changes could have been left longer.....
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flippin genius and it pains me to complement the little bugger but good call Arfur

im off to do the skirting boards in the dinning room

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


I'll have to get a photo of the back fence.

I thought engine oil was an old trick ?

My old man's been mixing old oil and creosote for years.

Certainly works - not even the birdsh!t sticks to it !