Sustainable oil (interesting read)

Started by Shifty, August 05, 2008, 05:52:15 AM

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How true it is i dont know but makes for an interesting read anyway,\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">



That is very interesting actually...


tha's enough to put a dent in any Hippies day !


Whooa !

Let's all buy a bigger V8 and get drinking that stash !


Indeed it does, however perhaps the most interesting part of the whole article is the last paragraph...

"A Hedberg Conference, sponsored by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, was scheduled to discuss and publicly debate this issue. Papers were solicited from interested academics and professionals. The conference was scheduled to begin June 9, 2003, but was canceled at the last minute. A new date has yet to be set."

I reckon the Stonecutters had it cancelled...

Seriously though, did someone suddenly think that they might lose Money... or did a certain government think that anything coming from it might not fit in with its Political / Military plans for the next few years...  -10 points for Capitalism i'm afraid
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...