speeding update

Started by art b, July 28, 2008, 10:49:35 AM

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art b

it looks like as the speeding was a first offence,
im off to speed skool,
no points on my licence, and 60 quid for the lesson instead of 80 as a fine,
im happy with that,
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

Quoting: art b
im off to speed skool,
no points on my licence, and 60 quid for the lesson instead of 80 as a fine,
im happy with that,

Jammy Bastid


LOL so its only 20 quid cheaper...  + your Fuel to get to speed skool, + a days annual leave + £80 and 3 points for the ticket recieved on the way home from Speed Skool
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Quoting: FUBAR
LOL so its only 20 quid cheaper..

Yeah but it ain't on your licence for four years !


Quoting: F Body
Yeah but it ain't on your licence for four years !

Yeah I totally agree with you, the whole post was a bit of a joke TBH...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Quoting: FUBAR
Yeah I totally agree with you, the whole post was a bit of a joke TBH...

Sorry but after waiting five years to get rid of my driving ban ( insurance wise ) I'm always surprised that people don't jump after going to speeding school and not having the points

art b

suits me and im sure there will be a couple of jokers there....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Did one of these about 5 years ago, well worth it,

Personally I thought it was a really well ran course and not in any way a telling of, just an informative session that thought you how to read the road and drive safely, I learnt allot, would recommend it to everyone.

Wouldn't suggest you go out speeding to get on it though but if they are ever running it in your area for free I would recommend going to it.

ps. was doing 36 in a 30 hardly the worlds worst offence, and it was a barriered of duel carriage way, gutted.


Quoting: Shifty
Did one of these about 5 years ago, well worth it,

yep.  The one I did in Stevenage recently was actually quite an eye opener.  I personally think everyone should do one.


Not been done for speeding yet.  

Used to blat about everywhere when I was younger but drive more reasonably, now.

Nowadays I'm more interested in how fast I can get to the speed limit - not how much faster than it I can go.

Flip Martian

Been done 3 times in 15 years... Fortunately the first 2 were far enough apart to not be on at the same time; the last one I was offered speed school and went. It was a good course. My OH just went on one last week and came back with a good opinion of it too.

art b

jeez its more popular than i though....
must be feckin packed out too
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: Shifty
how to read the road

Did they miss out the roundabout re-intructions?

(sorry Shiftiny, couldn't resist....)


Quoting: F Body
Sorry but after waiting five years to get rid of my driving ban ( insurance wise ) I'm always surprised that people don't jump after going to speeding school and not having the points

I much preferred taking my being caught by a Gatso all the way to court. And won Used a technical defence due to the prosecution's sloppy paperwork, and stuck it to the man, still got a clean license

F Body

Quoting: yorkshirespud
Used a technical defence

Well I tried but but I couldn't think of any for doing 136mph in a 60mph limit, apart from the fact that I'd lifted off the throttle well before going past the camera van

Flip Martian