My own private Motor Show !

Started by F Body, August 10, 2008, 02:55:56 PM

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F Body

Before the start of the school holidays I took the Beatch to work and left her safely tucked up at the back of my training warehouse.
Went to get her out yesterday morning and found that some Vauxhall pratt had parked all the old London Motor Show cars in front of it

Had to move this Esclade to get the Beatch out

A couple of Hummers :

Two VXR8's :

Plenty of Cadillacs ( GM is still trying to sell this dead horse brand in Europe, seeing as there made by Saab, they should be the next generation of Saab's not Cadillacs, they would sell like hot cakes ! )

Astra VXR Nurburgring :

Corvette Vert :

New Agila ( What's postman Pat gonna drive now ? ) :

There was also a new Vauxhall Insignia, all with the keys in, but by this time I was loosing the will to live !


I have high hopes for the new CTS, it *should* get some good reviews and certainly the press response to it (in particular the coupe concept)  re the motorshow was very positive.  But they must, must, must, launch it with a snazzy high profile ad campaign.



Quoting: Titsy
What, no 5th Gen?

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


F Body

Quoting: Titsy
What, no 5th Gen?

I didn't go to this years motor show so that didn't occur to me

With the 5th gen Camaro not in production until 2009, it was probably deemed to valuable to be left in the back of a Luton Warehouse

I'll check the warehouse again this morning just to make sure


Quoting: F Body
I'll check the warehouse again this morning just to make sure

Shame on you if it is there and you missed it


I'm not seeing the CTS Coupe or the ZR1 either so I assume they get special treatment...

art b

Quoting: F Body
I'll check the warehouse again this morning just to make sure

you surely wouldnt miss a new maro,  yet spot an insignia thing....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

Quoting: Jamieg285
Shame on you if it is there and you missed it

I doubt it because it was orange ??

Haven't had time to get up there yet, but it's 1st job this afternoon

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Haven't had time to get up there yet, but it's 1st job this afternoon

Sorry no Camaro or ZR1

I walked past the Insignia twice before I found it :

It looks very BMW like in the flesh


ick, so they copied the badly fitting boot, for the love of god why?!?!

Why not just pick all the bad bits, the badly fitting boot, the iDrive, the hard seats, the hard suspension, the unreliable mechanicals, and make a car out of all those bad bits.

Oh hang on a minute, that would *be* a BMW...


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I have high hopes for the new CTS, it *should* get some good reviews and certainly the press response to it (in particular the coupe concept) re the motorshow was very positive. But they must, must, must, launch it with a snazzy high profile ad campaign.

the previous CTS-V reviewed well, but British buyers seem to hate cadillac.. plus in the current political climate, its most people wont consider it very 'cool' to have something made in america on the driveway..

it could be the best car in the world, but it wont sell here, no chance.


FWIW it does seem that cadillac have done a really good job with the CTS, and it looks fantastic, if it were sold as a saab, it would do VERY well..

i'd love to be wrong on this, but i simply cant see any caddy, no matter how good selling

the STS was far from perfect, but lets be honest, nothing like as bad as the press made out, in some areas it was very good (what an absolutely awesome engine, and a very nice interior) yes there was some poor detailing, and the handling on the example i drove was pretty (very) nasty, but that was pretty much most of the issues, for a motorway cruiser, it wasn't important how well it cornered.

for equipment / ride / comfort, it beat most other cars pound (groat?) for pound


I agree with you, they've done nothing in terms of marketing to dispel the preconception us Brits have about Cadillac, most people still think pink, fins and giant size and engine.

The STS was a bargain in terms of price, even at 40k.  And it does have some great features (as you mentioned, the engine, with imho is one of the best in the world) and it also had a few failures (the odd dodgy bit of interior trim and very poor handling, although the latter gave a pretty good ride in return, but again, us Brits seem to like our cars to ride firm, comfort be damned).

I think you're right, selling the CTS as a SAAB would make a lot more sense over here.

However, I have a sneaky suspicion (and this is pure speculation) that SAAB will not be with us for much longer...

I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again, for Cadillac to succeed over here GM need to pull their heads out of their arse and accept that it does not carry the prestige over here that it does in the USA, and they need some slick marketing to make it an aspirational product (which at those prices it needs to be).  It is possible to come from pretty much nowhere and have a hot product in that sector, Chrysler did it with the 300C.  At least this time around Cadillac will have a diesel engine on offer...

But even so, they need to make it a product people aspire to.  It needs to be "cool".

F Body

Quoting: philoldsmobile
but British EUROPEAN buyers seem to hate cadillac.. plus in the current political climate, its most people wont consider it very 'cool' to have something made in america on the driveway..

Exactly, if we can see that why can't the GM suits in Marketing

Quoting: philoldsmobile
it looks fantastic, if it were sold as a saab, it would do VERY well..

Again exactly what I said :

Quoting: F Body
( GM is still trying to sell this dead horse brand in Europe, seeing as there made by Saab, they should be the next generation of Saab's not Cadillacs, they would sell like hot cakes ! )

Saab's have become boring and look old fashioned, the BLS , CTS & SRX would have given the marque a new direction, agreed they would have to have toned down some of the bling, but as it is, Saab is now dead in the water


i dont think its possible for either GM or ford to sell large cars in europe any more, the scorpio and omega proved that....