Complete Apple Mac Mini system for sale - SOLD

Started by HardRockCamaro, October 02, 2008, 06:18:22 AM

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Cunning Plan

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Sold on fleabay within hours for £300.

Wow, that apple name really does command a premium price!

Well done though
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Quoting: HardRockCamaro

Sold on fleabay within hours for £300.

F Body

Quoting: Cunning Plan
Wow, that apple name really does command a premium price!

Well the modern trend is to buy the brand rather than the product

Why else would anyone buy a BMW 1 series


Quoting: F Body
Why else would anyone buy a BMW 1 series

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
But it fell apart so...

Yeah, i've had Fujitsu Siemens laptops in the past that just fell apart; but my Dell is really sterdy.... It's all magnesium casing and chassis and very well built... I was quite pleased and impressed when it arrived having, not seen one before buying...


Quoting: Cunning Plan
Wow, that apple name really does command a premium price!  

That's the important bit everyone forgets when they buy something.
The real cost of an item isn't the sticker price when new, it's the difference between what you paid new and what you can get s/hand.

I could sell my MacBook Pro after christmas and get about a grand for it and a new one is £1,300 so over 2 years it cost me £300.

I bought a Dell Inspiron laptop years ago for £1,400 and after 3 years sold it for £400.  So it cost me twice as much a year as the Apple laptops I've bought since.

So staying up to date costs me £150 - £200 a year.  Happy days!

At that price I don't care about them being upgradeable or not, it's just as cheap (and less agro) to sell the old box and buy a new one.


Quoting: Titsy
Yeah, i've had Fujitsu Siemens laptops in the past that just fell apart; but my Dell is really sterdy.... It's all magnesium casing and chassis and very well built... I was quite pleased and impressed when it arrived having, not seen one before buying...

Yeah it depends which one you get.
I had an Inspiron and it did not last as long as my mates Latitude he bought at the same time as me.  We both paid the same money, I got a faster processor and slightly bigger hard drive but the casing was right cheap plastic.

You get what you pay for basically.

Your sounds similar in build to the MacBook which is a magnesium chassis surrounded by a polycarbonate plastic case.  There's plastic and then there's plastic...


Quoting: F Body
Well the modern trend is to buy the brand rather than the product  

Why else would anyone buy a BMW 1 series

nice try but no its exactly the opposite macs are computers that work properly simple as

you aint exactly the least product obsessed person out there are ya

F Body

Quoting: Gator
you aint exactly the least product obsessed person out there are ya

Aldi for the win

Mind you with money tight we might have to downgrade to Lidl  

Cunning Plan

Quoting: Gator
nice try but no its exactly the opposite macs are computers that work properly simple as

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
You get what you pay for basically.

Sorry guys, the Hackintosh will soon rule all.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Finially, decent PC hardware running good apple software without having to bend over and take it just becuase it has a picture of a fruit on it..

My comment was that I was just shocked that someone paid that much for something which is quite 'old' in technology terms. For example you can walk into tesco and buy a quad core with monitor etc for under 400 quid.. It just shows you that people will part with alot more money just becuase of brand.

Im all for Macs and agree their software is good. Their hardware isnt. Its Overpriced and annoyingly incompatable and hard to upgrade. Mac lappy hardware however, is excellent imho.

Im happy for HRC that it sold for that much though
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


The Hackintosh project is for pikeys.

The reason systems such as the Macintosh, iPod and even SUN servers are so reliable and stable is the fact that the hardware and the software are made by the same company.  The "whole widget" as Apple like to say.

I'd prefer a Hackintosh to a Windows PC as at least it would rid me of the security problems and resource consumption of Windows.  But it wouldn't be as stable as running OS X on genuine Apple hardware.  And again, when you come to sell it, it's worth naff all which makes it just as expensive an option as a Windows PC.

But in any case, I don't really care what machine people use.  But when (not if) they run into problems with their Windows box, I ain't gonna fix it for them...  They mad their bed, they can lie in it...


I agree that the key thing that makes a Mac a good machine is the software, not the hardware.  That's why it doesn't matter that they switched from PowerPC to Intel.  It doesn't matter what chips are inside the box.  Seriously, beyond a few nerds, who cares?!  

As for the upgradeability, and by that I mean beyond RAM and maybe hard drive, I'd have to say again, who cares?!

Because their used values don't plummet (as you can see) it's cheaper to sell off the old one and buy a new one than it is to upgrade your PC anyway.  Especially now that you often have to buy a new motherboard and RAM to use any significantly quicker processor.  And uber high end graphics cards are only important to gamers, other PC users don't need to care about them and neither do Mac users.

Also, most new versions of the Mac OS have in recent years made the machine run faster than the prior version, the opposite of what new Windows versions have done.  On that front the best is yet to come, Snow Leopard (the next Apple OS) performs typically 40% faster on the same hardware as the existing OS.  Happy days!  No new laptop for me next year!

But I'm not surprised that you're surprised at the price the Mini went for.  I'M SURPRISED.
That machine was £339 when it was new (Jan 05) and today they go on EBay for about £195.  Even for Apple kit that's amazingly low depreciation.
I suppose though it's a very cheap way of getting *a* Apple computer that does what most people want (web, email, photos, video editing etc).

Cunning Plan

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
it's worth naff all which makes it just as expensive an option as a Windows PC.

Ive never really bought a computer to sell it, I just use it until I need to upgrade, which as you do say 150-300 quid a year is roughly what I may spend on my rig.

The hackingtosh dongle thing is for people that want a PC for games and stuff and a Mac for everything else but dont want to pay more money than they need to.

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
The reason systems such as the Macintosh, iPod and even SUN servers are so reliable and stable is the fact that the hardware and the software are made by the same company. The "whole widget" as Apple like to say.

Hmm Im sure this is just apple propaganda, there are plenty of stable PC systems out there. I run rocketdock with most of my XP customised, it doesnt look like XP and doesnt crash either but i would say its as fast or faster than most of the mac pros the graphic designers use at work.

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
The Hackintosh project is for pikeys.

Or clever people who spend their money wisely

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
As for the upgradeability, and by that I mean beyond RAM and maybe hard drive, I'd have to say again, who cares?!

Well, not wanting to make an essay here but over the last few months ive upgraded my rig with a new case, card reader, gfx card, more ram, and another HDD - I couldnt imagine how much that would be on a Mac.

I hope that the Efix dongle thing gets developed into a really useable piece of hardware to allow you to run a PC as a Mac, i figure its a win win for apple as they win another neiche of the market such as the hardcore PC users who LIKE apple software but not the hardware, but at the same time they dont loose their current target audience of people who want and buy the brand and dont want the hassle of having to set up efix thingy..


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I suppose though it's a very cheap way of getting *a* Apple computer that does what most people want (web, email, photos, video editing etc)


1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

art b

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Seriously, beyond a few nerds, who cares?!

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


installed xp on my mac mini, and it runs autocad 2008 just fine..

set up XP with no internet connection, so there is no possibility of viruses, mac OSx for the win!!!!!111111

Cunning Plan

Quoting: philoldsmobile
set up XP with no internet connection, so there is no possibility of viruses, mac OSx for the win!!!!!111111

I dont understand this part, you know the more popular Macs become the more chance there will be some scummer that makes a proper virus for them?

But Yup, OSx =
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


That's right, it benefits from security through obscurity.

Having said that, while increased popularity would mean more people writing viruses for it, they're a lot harder to pull off due to the inherrent security built into UNIX.  Not impossible, but harder.  Microsofts insistence on letting web apps have close access to the system (think ActiveX and VBA) means they are opening up more potential holes.  Plus the fact that you can surf to a web site in IE, the site can automatically instigate a software download and run it and install itself and execute with (prior to Vista) no authorisation required by the user was always a security hole you could drive a truck though...

There have in fact been a couple of exploits for the Mac, but they all involve persuading the user to download, run and authorise the installation of some package or other.  They're not automated, the user needs to choose to run them.  And obviously, if a user wants to install something, well, not much Apple can do about that to be fair...


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
There have in fact been a couple of exploits for the Mac, but they all involve persuading the user to download, run and authorise the installation of some package or other. They're not automated, the user needs to choose to run them. And obviously, if a user wants to install something, well, not much Apple can do about that to be fair...

That's how the vast majority of viruses/trojans etc work. There are more than enough stupid people out there, whatever computer they decide to use.