end of an era

Started by Allanv, October 14, 2008, 02:58:08 PM

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vicky / ian i leave ELC for the last time tomorrow sad but true all thats left if Gavin who is panicking and doing his usual forget me name type of thing.

there will be a leaving doo soon but not this week i will let you know.

It was nice working with you vicky and ian i didn't really know you but you were always part of my day if you know what i mean.




Wow so you're finally leaving.

You sure they haven't extended it again

It was great working with you too - we had some fantastic conversions in ELC.

Poor Gavin, has he got another job yet then?

Where you off too now? got something lined up or going to have a break for a bit.

Got the MKB Lan this weekend, but think next weekend is currently free


gavin is still there me i have a few things lined up ELC is fooked with Gavin at the helm


wow its finally official / happening then.....

Be good to catch up at leaving doo - im sure vicky will be keen to come along!

wish yuou all the best and make sure ya don't vanish of the forum!!!!

Quoting: Allanv
ian i didn't really know you but you were always part of my day if you know what i mean.

Cheers mate nice to have known you as well