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Export help

Started by CJ-IROCZ, November 10, 2008, 12:51:43 PM

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I've got someone who is very keen on buying the Iroc but he is from Holland and has asked me for help.

Can any of you answer this question ???


Do you know if there's something like an export or temporary registration in the UK? Germany and some other EU countries have those, a 5 or 7 day registration. This I can use to temporarily drive the car (from the boat) and insure it, otherwise It'd be illegal.




Speak to Motorama ! - He's sent a few cars that way and may well know.

I know you can insure a car on the chassis number, though - that's the way you do it before the car is registered . . . .


As far as i know the answer is no!

They do that if you buy a car in Germany which is probably why your Dutch buyer thinks we may do the same here. I just sold a Cadillac to an Italian buyer and he's having the same problem.

I had the same problem when i purchased my yellow 56 cadillac in Sweden 2 years ago. My insurance company wouldnt insure it so i could drive it home because it wasnt registered in the UK. In the end i drove it back on a friends trade plates but found out afterwards that wasnt strictly legal either. The last car we got from Sweden we got the seller to stick us on his insurance for a couple of days so we could drive home.

He's going to have to transport it from the boat or take a chance and drive it. Unless of course you put him on your insurance, although i dont know if a UK insurance company would let you put a foriegn driver on your policy, or if you'd want to risk your ncb for someone you dont really know.


Thanks for the help guys.

I've emailed him with your response and will see what his plans are.