There is only ONE thing better than owning a Cadillac . . . .

Started by Roadkill, December 14, 2008, 10:16:27 AM

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And that's owning TWO Cadillacs !

I'll start a separate thread after I've had a chance to clean her.

She's filthy after her cruise home last night !

Major, major thanks to Craig for his patience in quite possibly the "longest-transaction-ever-in-the-whole-world" purchase.  Also to his kind hospitality and much needed use of the shower ! (hope the missus is feeling better today).

Thanks also to Ian for the Jinlun-piggyback to Swindon - cutting nearly 80 miles off of a hideous journey !
The bike fitted like a glove in the GMC !

Thanks, finally, to PhilO for kindly lending me some cash to cover the "final payment" when my wages didn't arrive !!!

Finally . . . . I say goodbye to the Jinlun.

She did her job - that was to give me the experience to get my "big bike" licence - and she did it well.
Never missed a beat, and always a pleasure to ride.
My first bike . . she'll always be missed.




Not to worry mate we got there in the end

It was good to finally meet you.

So what do you think, you happy with it


Quoting: v8mad0
So what do you think, you happy with it


Gotta read the manual to work out how everything works / what everything is !

Will be giving her a clean in the next week or so and show her some polish.

Will be freshening up the interior, too.

Suppose I best get an MoT sorted, too.


very very nice motor

when i do buy another yank (and i will at some point) an ETC is very close to the top of the list.



Quoting: philoldsmobile
ETC is very close to the top of the list.

Definately my favourite looking Caddy since the mid 70's that's for sure.

And a pleasure to drive, too.



Quoting: Roadkill
Will be giving her a clean in the next week or so and show her some polish.

I did that with the bike today


Gorra love that shot

Quoting: Roadkill
Thanks also to Ian for the Jinlun-piggyback to Swindon - cutting nearly 80 miles off of a hideous journey !
The bike fitted like a glove in the GMC !  

I'll upload the pic's i got tomrrow so ya can all see how tight it fitted!!