North London meet this Saturday....

Started by philoldsmobile, December 09, 2008, 02:43:18 PM

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I counted 3 Fords, one Caddy and one Alfa...


i guess mine was the only US spec car there, Andy's is a UK spec american car while the rest of you turned up in 2 focuses and an alfa


oi at least we came all the way down to see you, me thinks it's your turn to haul ass up here...


Quoting: Jo
me thinks it's your turn to haul ass up here...

Fat chance of that...


Quoting: Titsy
Fat chance of that...

you shouldn't bring his weight into this dude, he's married, it's natural to gain a few pounds....


Ah, so will be referring to you as FBF now?  As in FatBoyFjeldy?


1.    Poke It
A polite way of saying F**k off.

"Are you coming to the cinema?"
"Nah, Poke it."

i dont think i need to say anymore....