Guess what I found in the garage today ?

Started by F Body, December 20, 2008, 10:02:08 AM

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F Body

An F Body, almost forgotten I have one
I can see how easy it is for cars to be parked up and never used again

So I've been out for a spin

It wasn't quite dry everywhere but I managed 20 miles or so

News Years resolution - Drive my Camaro


Quoting: F Body
News Years resolution - Drive my Camaro

Darn Skippy...

Flip Martian

Quoting: F Body
It wasn't quite dry everywhere but I managed 20 miles or so

You can drive it in the wet you know, it won't rot away or crash. Mine hasn't!

Having said that I've not been free for ages and not driven mine in nearly a month... I started her up for a few mins last weekend just to make sure all was well...

And of course it was.



Quoting: Roadkill
I'm back driving a V8

Hmmm i do keep fancying a V8 again....trouble is no money to buy anything

Big Mouse

Quoting: ianjpage
Hmmm i do keep fancying a V8 again....trouble is no money to buy anything

Webster is selling his really nice Harley Pickup, 2001 model, all the tricks, for £9k - stick it on a loan, its christmas


Driving a v8 as a daily is cool but it could get expensive with your mileage ian!  I rekon I do 50 miles a week tops so the fox body is perfect as a daily


Quoting: EDGE
Driving a v8 as a daily is cool but it could get expensive with your mileage ian!

No more expensive than the truck with a misfire...


Quoting: Titsy
No more expensive than the truck with a misfire...

Yes, but he doesn't drive the truck daily. I do

It will be nice when the truck is out of action next week, cause I'll get to drive my car again


Quoting: F Body
Guess what I found in the garage today ?

Quoting: F Body
An F Body

Odd that as I found one of those in my garage last night, too.