The end of the world is nie...

Started by Titsy, December 23, 2008, 07:45:59 AM

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Or at least that's what you would think given the scenes in Tesco when I went to buy lunch.... Haven't people got better things to do than fight over buying food they're only going to throw away in a weeks time...

F Body

So much for the recession eh

Management said this morning that she still had a lot of food shopping to do, I told her not to worry, beans on toast will do me


Quoting: F Body
beans on toast will do me

here here...

Flip Martian

yup, I'd be more than happy with that. Rather that, than fighting the hordes in Tescos...

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Management said this morning that she still had a lot of food shopping to do

I was leaving the house at 05:35am and I could hear running water from the bathroom
Went upstairs and Management was in the shower
Asked her why she was up so early and she replied " So I can get to the Supermarket before they sell out "

I give up


Quoting: F Body
" So I can get to the Supermarket before they sell out "

We went to Tesco Bletchley last night.  

Many of the shelves were empty and the cashier told us that punters were going to ASDA first to find they had nothing.


I'm glad I don't "do" christmas.

Tomorrow's just a day of seeing parents and having a few drinks . . . F*ck all that hassle of buying tons of food you'll never eat and queueing for hours buying presents.

That's not what christmas is about is it ?

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Asked her why she was up so early and she replied " So I can get to the Supermarket before they sell out "

Quoting: Rob
Many of the shelves were empty

at 05:55am

Quoting: Roadkill
That's not what christmas is about is it ?

My kids are really looking forward to putting the decorations up tonight, I think leaving it till Christmas Eve does make it more meaningful

Flip Martian

Quoting: F Body

My kids are really looking forward to putting the decorations up tonight, I think leaving it till Christmas Eve does make it more meaningful

Top stuff - always used to be like that when I lived at home. My OH usually puts the tree up the weekend before now. Never understood people who do it weeks beforehand. Still, each to their own I suppose!

I just went to Tescos Wolverton to pick up 1 or 2 non urgent things - and gave up after filling the Camaro at the petrol station. Both car parks were full - not a good sign, so I came away and just rang OH and said "no way". Nothing would induce me to queue up in Tescos without a cattle prod...


popped into Asda to get some bread and some deserts for boxing day over me sis's - fairly busy, very very little bread on the shelves but not crazy busy in there - walked right up to a till and straight out....


yup shiftini and i went to tesco in flitwick on the bikes, and it wasn't super crazy there either. rush seems to have peaked..


I certainly don't see the point in buying shed loads of food, the shops are only shut for one day surely people can manage!