Veyron Beater

Started by Fieldy, January 13, 2009, 08:00:47 AM

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its still  not a bugatti though...


Makes for an interesting read, hope they do make it, it's about time someone knocked the Dauer 962 of the top spot for the fastest road car etc. etc....

Audi Bugatti what?

The Porsche is quicker, was built many years ago and looks cool to, IMO of course.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Oh the controversy,



Bugatti are to cars what Bang & Olufsen are to audio and Riva are to boats. it doesn't matter there are faster / better products, their astronomical price tags, and ice cool design means they are still at the pinnacle of desirability.


Those Veyron things are F*cking ugly - I'd never own one on that principle.

That one in the link is better looking - more aggressive.

Who's actually worried about top speed after 100mph - REALLY ?


not a fan of the exterior of the veyron, but the interior is pure class..


Quoting: Shifty
Dauer 962

i forgot all about that !!!

Big Mouse

You have to wonder about the thought processes going on in the mind of someone who buys a car because it looks like a racecar.

I imagine something like "I'd like to have been a race car driver, perhaps if I buy this peaople will think I am one"

All of the exotics, lambos, zondas, ferraris etc leave me cold. The Dauer falls into the same bracket AFAIC and the Veyron is just a waste of engineering skills - who in their right mind would spend a mill on a car that wasn't at the very least a collectable classic


While I understand where Philo's coming from, I don't think the Veyron is a particularly good looking car.  Personally I prefer the look of the Koenigsegg(?).

And if I had that sort of wedge I'd rather buy some of the older supercars than a Veyron.  Then I wouldn't be a self indulgent wiener, I'd be a connoisseur...


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Then I wouldn't be a self indulgent wiener, I'd be a connoisseur...

Gone in 60 seconds.


what else do you have in the warehouse......


if i had that money i'd buy an old BMW M1

F Body

The only reason for buying a million Euro Veyron is because it's costs VW five million to make them


Quoting: Big Mouse
who in their right mind would spend a mill on a car that wasn't at the very least a collectable classic

i dont think there is any doubt the veyron is already anything but a classic..

the tiny numbers its built in (as with all bugattis) guarantees its going to change hands for insane money right throughout its life.


i think id rather have an EB110.. they were far cooler...