Silverstone Zero Donnington One.

Started by F Body, January 11, 2009, 01:06:06 PM

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F Body

Well Silverstone has had enough chances with formula one, move over Donnington is coming through\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Silverstone is pants


lets hope they get it all done before the race


About time, went to Silverstone about 5 years ago to see a friend race in the Formula Saloon series, even then the place was a dump.

Never been to Donnington for racing, but I think Rockingham is the mutts, if it doesn't get shut down.

art b

donnington is years behind silverstone in every respect  
gr8 bike race curciut though...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
donnington is years behind silverstone in every respect

That's what I heard - I also heard they're moving it to that venue as it's utterly unprepared for it to effectively kill-off the British Grand Prix.


Quoting: art b
donnington is years behind silverstone in every respect



Having been to both of them fairly recently i would put Silverstone years ahead of Donnington, totally stupid idea if you ask me.

Think they are probably doing it to scare the owners of Silverstone into doing more improvements.