gm lose the plot

Started by art b, April 08, 2009, 01:50:02 PM

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art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


these companies keep farting around with stuff like that and it always bombs

F Body

Well I thought it was quite cool actually, not so sure I'd want to crash one

art b

how ya gonna go shopping in one ....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Why do they think people will want to buy something that has a 35 mile range and does a top speed of 35 mph? Have they not heard of walking? Or even using a bike?


I can understand why, Toyota can do no wrong in the eyes of the media and the public all due to the Prius.  Whether the Prius is good or not isn't the point, it's all about perception.  Selling Hummers, pickups and muscle cars is just not trendy to the world en masse.

This little "car" will go nowhere, but media coverage of that followed up with a lunch of the plug-in hybrid Chevy volt will do them good.

I hope GM survive as they're really upped their game across their range in terms of quality etc.  The Buick Enclave SUV, the Cadillac CTS, the Pontiac G8, the Chevrolet Malibu, the forthcoming Volt, the new Camaro etc...

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I hope GM survive

Allegedly GM is currently reorganising for chapter 11 bankruptcy, the American unions have refused to negotiate any real reductions in health care or pension costs.
So the company will be spilt into two chapter 11 units
One will survive containing Chevy, Cadillac etc and the other will be Saturn, Saab & Hummer etc which will fail
Resulting in the unions and their members getting zit, GM will survive but will be a very different company

Big Mouse

I really hope the unions take one up the a*se on this. Their blinkered approach to how a company really operates and the amount of available cash in the pot has been the end of so many decent companies over the years and they still don't learn.


Quoting: F Body
the other will be Saturn, Saab & Hummer etc

Ahh, nothing lost, there . . .


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I can understand why, Toyota can do no wrong in the eyes of the media and the public all due to the Prius. Whether the Prius is good or not isn't the point, it's all about perception. Selling Hummers, pickups and muscle cars is just not trendy to the world en masse.

This little "car" will go nowhere, but media coverage of that followed up with a lunch of the plug-in hybrid Chevy volt will do them good.

I hope GM survive as they're really upped their game across their range in terms of quality etc. The Buick Enclave SUV, the Cadillac CTS, the Pontiac G8, the Chevrolet Malibu, the forthcoming Volt, the new Camaro etc...

exactly... there simply couldn't have been a worse time to launch the camaro, especially as there are major concerns over quality, particularly concerning the interior.  A decent astra hybrid, sold the world over would have been a far more sensible idea, as would ploughing funds into the volt to get it into production..

it seems the web is already crawling with critisism of the new camaro, mainly interior quality and body finish.  Looks like a pretty face alone wont do it.. i reckon it will be shelved in two years..\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


you obviously missed the compliments at the end of that article then phil

On the upside, the Camaro's bespoke switchgear (i.e., not parts bin) looked pretty special, as did the two-tone plastic dash trim. -- James Riswick, Automotive Editor
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


its going to take a lot more than switchgear..

eco hipies are gaining strength, recession, and a tendency for punishing taxes on larger cars do not a good time to launch a muscle car make...

F Body


I do like that Volt / Ampera

Looks a bit more futuristic and striking than most of the family cars on the road these days.  Like the Focus did when it was lunched but subsequently turned into a dull blob.

I'd certainly prefer to drive one of those than a typical family car.  If it has to be small, slow and uncomfortable it wants to be good on gas.  And no gas is thus even better.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
eco hipies are gaining strength, recession, and a tendency for punishing taxes on larger cars do not a good time to launch a muscle car make...

Unfortunately this is true, its not far off the worst timing possible, but with everything invested in the car prior to now it would be even sillier NOT to launch it IMO. Hopefully it lasts longer than just a passing fad.

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
it has to be small, slow and uncomfortable it wants to be good on gas

Agree entirely, if its going to bore you to death it better do it cheaply.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Just seen the BBC news with a report on the Chevrolet Volt and I must admit it looks like they could have a winner.

They reckon it only has a 40 mile range but take into consideration how many times a week you'd commute further than that? It would do my daily drive for 4 days on one charge. And even if it runs low it has its own generator on board.

Just hope they get it out there quick enough and it satisfys. I think the only thing that would be it achilles heel is build quality.

F Body

Quoting: Andy
Just hope they get it out there quick enough

What like the Camaro

It's all smoke and mirrors


Well at least they are doing the whole good publicity thing. Getting it out there and known on national news isn't bad.

There is a nasty feeling its all too good to be true.

F Body

Quoting: Andy
There is a nasty feeling its all too good to be true.

They can't even decide where they are going to build the factory to build the batteries for the dam thing

Assuming that it's actually possible to build the batteries


I love the way the eco warriors gloss over the whole manufacturing of batteries and the effect that stage of a green car has on the environment. IMO thats far worse than any well maintained and serviced car does.

Then again I am adamant this whole global warming thing is, well bo***cks. Some of them should check out the cooling of the sun and the fact the last time this happened the world was put into a mini ice age. But that wouldn't suit the scientists.  

*Steps off of soap box*

F Body

The Insigna VXR was launched today\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

RIP Vauxhall VXR8


Looks very 6 series BMW.

Which is not a good thing in case you were wondering...


i like the new Insignia


Quoting: Fieldy
i like the new Insignia


I'm sure there a great car. But they look, just awful.