Why won't the yanks ship to the UK ?

Started by F Body, April 25, 2009, 03:25:00 PM

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F Body

Seeing as they are sent via UPS why do the Yanks refuse to ship to the UK

Wanted to buy myself some new trainers :

http://www.journeys.com/product.aspx?id=133615\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.journeys.com/product.aspx?id=133615


They look.. very back to the future!

cuban pete

A lot of the Americans i have dealt with have been friendly , polite and very helpful .
But as with any nation , including ours...they also have there fair share of assholes

 One quoted me the boston tea party and called me a limey Bastard . it made my day to be honest


Quoting: cuban pete
One quoted me the boston tea party and called me a limey Bastard

Wow.  You got a proper in-bred there, then.

F Body

My point was that since they are dispatched via UPS, what difference does it make where the hell they go to providing I pay


I buy most of my trainers from the states.......

http://streetmoda.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://streetmoda.com/

they're also on ebay

cuban pete

Quoting: Roadkill
Wow. You got a proper in-bred there, then.

 i could hear the banjo's playing as i read the email .


Quoting: cuban pete
i could hear the banjo's playing as i read the email

Was Gator there, then ?


Quoting: Roadkill
Was Gator there, then ?  


say you got a real purdy mouth boy

cuban pete

Quoting: Roadkill
Was Gator there, then ?  

squeel piggy


Ya'll just ain't right.

Most places over here have the mindset that shipping overseas is just too big of a hassle so they won't even consider it.


Quoting: sixpack2639
Most places over here have the mindset that shipping overseas is just too big of a hassle so they won't even consider it.

Very odd... Good job you know better Carl...


Quoting: Titsy
Good job you know better Carl

Thatd be cause i aint one a those thick headed redneck types.


Quoting: cuban pete
One quoted me the boston tea party and called me a limey Bastard . it made my day to be honest

I'll bet good money he knew nothing about it either...  LOL!

Ask him why Canadian dollars are worth more than US ones, that'll wind him right up!


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Ask him why Canadian dollars are worth more than US ones, that'll wind him right up!

that made me chuckle