F Body's Ducati Monster.

Started by F Body, September 05, 2009, 06:55:39 AM

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might be worth assessing how you hold the grips, too.. wrap your fingers right round them, it soon becomes second nature, and much easier on the hands on longer runs, as you aren't putting so much strain on palms and wrists.

oh yeah, summer gloves wont work with heated grips, you end up with the fire and ice situation you mentioned.


You can get heated gloves...

F Body

Quoting: F Body
May be I need to try your heated grips with my winter gloves

Or may be I need to buy and fit my own

I went for the R&G ones because they were the hottest, had the smallest/neatest control module and were only £25

I also bought a digital gear indicator, because I'm so used to 5 gears I keep forgetting about 6th

I went for the Healtech G1 Pro X Type, really small but fully programmable, it runs from the bikes ECU outputs and can also be programmed as a rev limiter and/or a speed limiter, on special offer at £80

However I didn't realise just how hard it was going to be to fit them

F Body

Just like a modern car, my Ducati is a mass of sensors and wires
It's made worse by the trellis frame design which means it's really hard to hide any cables

It's taken me about 15 hours

First of all it involves stripping the bike apart to route the cables :

It took me quite a while to get the Ducati hand grips off without damaging them, in case I want to use them again

Heated left grip :

Heated right grip, had no choice but to have the cable on top, otherwise it would fowl the tank on full lock and catch the brake lever

Invisible cable routing  

Heat controller :

The nightmare was trying to make sense of the which wires needed splicing, for the wheel speed sensor and rpm ( crankshaft ) sensor
All the pictures had different plugs and the Ducati wiring diagram had different colour wires, talk about bollocks

Spent at least 5 hours with my multi meter and the wiring diagram
But once you do find the correct wires it works like a dream

It's self learning, so you run the bike on the stand in 1st gear, once the revs rise over 2k it displays "n" for next, change into 2nd gear and repeat the process up to six gears. Because it runs from the bikes ECU, it can't indicate a wrong gear, I tried changing up 2 gears or down three, it still knows exactly what gear your

Digital Gear indicator :

Hiding the wiring is what takes time, but worth it

The bars get very close to the tank on full lock :

Can't wait to try them out

F Body

Quoting: F Body
I went for the R&G ones because they were the hottest,

When I say hottest, on the hottest setting they are too hot to touch with bare hands

F Body

Got more chance of flying to moon than getting out on the bike for the rest of this year
Too cold to work in the garage today, so I decided to pull the Monster apart again

Although you need a lot of tools, I'm getting pretty good at taking it apart and putting it back together again

I've been wanting to fit the power switch for the Dyno Jet Power Commander fuel injection upgrade I bought a few weeks ago. I wanted it under the seat for security but it had to look neat

Took my ages to locate a part of the tool tray that matched a recess in the cast frame section, for the back of the switch to fit into :

Switch fitted & wired invisibly

If I ever get the dam thing run in it should be one of the fastest 696's on the road


What is it with you and taking that bike apart!!!!

F Body

Had a trip down to London this afternoon ( the nearest open Ducati dealer )

I actually bought an oil filter when I bought the bike, but I can't find it

Anyway after getting the filters and washers I hit Halfords for a set of drain plug keys ( the biggest I had was 12mm and the Monster needs a 14mm )

No Ducati dealers have the correct oil filter removal tool, the filter is 74mm diameter, but only has 8 flats, all the car ones have 14 flats. So I think that there is just enough filter sticking out for these plyers to work

But I also bought this band type filter tool as a back up