Truck Exhaust - sorted (hoepfully!)

Started by ianjpage, December 06, 2009, 09:39:30 AM

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Rather a late update bet meh so what loL!

As most of you will know the GMC exhaust came apart in hastings (yes that long ago!) where me & Dean had rejoined it from sorting the cat out.

Well after several re-try's at just clamping it and failing (the last one being when we were moving!) i finally ended up buying a 3" pipe joiner (from Jetix - thanks dean for heads up) and 2 X think band clamps (from ebay) and a couple of week ago, i got under the truck, took all the old parts off, ground the old cement away and cleaned the exhaust up and fitting new parts...

End result is this:\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


