New Years resolutions

Started by Pod, December 30, 2009, 09:42:20 AM

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Never really made any before, but mine this year is definitely to keep in contact with friends and family much more (or at all!).

Should be made easier by finally having internet at home for the first time since about September!


lol howdy pod nice to see ya back online

F Body

Well there's nothing I haven't already given up apart from work

OK my New Years Resolutions are :

1/ Not to leave work any later than 18:00pm.

2 / Start saving all my spare cash ready for the next project.

3/ Drive the Camaro at least 1,500 miles.

4/ Ride the Ducati at least 1,300 miles.

They are all pretty tough resolutions

Big Mouse

Mine is not to waste any money on the camaro this year


Quoting: F Body
OK my New Years Resolutions are :

1/ Move Out !!!

2/ Jan off Booze as per always (after Matt's birthday celebration on Saturday night) so until Feb 3rd to compensate.

Quoting: F Body
3/ Drive the Camaro at least 1,500 miles.

4/ Drink less / lose weight / excercise more & generally have a healthier 2010.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Mine are:

1. Take more photo
2. Make more effort re making money from said photos
3. Waste less cash
4. Pull my finger out and sell the IROC
5. Try and be a bit more healthy.


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
4. Pull my finger out and sell the IROC

Mine are:

work my ass off and supply for my family
do what i can to help the wife through the last four months of pregnancy
treat myself to the new 4g i-Phone if released in 2010


Just to spend time with good friends and family with lots of laughter and fun included



2) be more astute with money
3) earn more money - especially if its in a private venture
4) use the GPz more


Quoting: art b
carry on regardless....

Don't think I've got anything for this year things are pretty good atm

1. Keep Travelling. Iceland, Poland, Czech, Netherlands, France & Belgium done last year.  

2. Get my engine sold to pay for the travelling

3. Keep in touch with friends from Alps UK


Mine are :

i) More Tattoos !! (I had four done in December and am booked in for more this week)

ii) More travelling !! (Went to two Greek islands, France twice, Belgium twice and the Netherlands once)  Need to beat that this year.

iii) Get Castle Roadkill Finished !! (It's quite close, now . . . relatively . . )

iv) Introduce a "little'un" to the household !! (It's time for me to get another Dog)

v) Get the Camaro (mechanically) finished . . . . speaks for itself.


Quoting: Roadkill
It's time for me to get another Dog

What dog you getting?


Quoting: Fieldy
What dog you getting?

It'll be a Westie.  

My last dog was a Yorkie but had the size and build very much like a Westie . . . Looking back now, to me, that's the ideal size, really . . not too big nor too small but fairly stocky and compact.  
Plus the bonus with Westie (and Yorkie) terriers is that they don't shed fur - just relatively little hair.

I won't be looking until around March/April as there's some stuff to do first but I must admit I can't wait !


I love having dogs in the house, I have a jet black and white Jack Russel and A Golden Retriever.

Good luck


A Jack was certainly a possible contender - I love those little guys.


Quoting: Roadkill
A Jack was certainly a possible contender - I love those little guys.

I have had Border Collies, Golden retrievers and various other small dogs in the family, But the 2 Jack Russels I have had (The 1st got hit by a car ) have been the most affectionate, characteristic dogs.... They love their owners and tell them this 24/7, Plus, easy training, love 'em!

Don't know about Westies mind

art b

jacks ftw,
were on jrt's 3&4 at the mo....
great with kids and always full o fun

shelby jrt no 4

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Mine on the 1st day of picking him up....

He soon developed a taste for Cheesy Puffs....

Which made him look like this....

Now he likes to draw on the chalkboard with the little man....

Which makes him look like this....

My old one, Chase, damn I miss him, got hit by a car just before he was one... awesome character. My mum has his sister.

Flip Martian

Definitely recommend Westies - I had one all through my childhood til I was about 18. Lovely temperament, very friendly. Tended to bark when the doorbell went but more in a "Yay! New people to be friendly to" kinda way. Useless guard dogs... A bit excitable I suppose but very good natured.

If I wasn't out all day at work I'd have one like a shot.


more JRs

poncho 3yrs

toby 5 yrs
